3) Bath time and Packing

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3rd Person POV:

Blaise sat up in his crib looking around the dimly lit room. He glanced to his left and saw Draco was still fast asleep in his crib. Blaise began to whine around his pacifier in hopes of waking someone up but to no avail. He whined a bit louder than before and Draco stirred but didn't wake up. Getting more upset, Blaise begins to cry. It begins as soft sniffles, to quiet tears, to downright sobs.

Jolting awake, Draco wakes up and you can hear a loud bang and a door slamming open and closed. Unaware of what the noises were, Blaise continues to wail. Seconds later, Pansy and Draco are looking at Blaise with worry in their eyes. The dark-haired Slytherin was picked up and rocked in with one of Pansy's arms under his head and the other lightly patting his bum to try and get him to relax. 

"B'aise otay now?" Draco asked. "Yes darling, Blaise is okay," Pansy replied quietly trying not to frighten the little even more.

'Oh, merlin! We leave for Hogwarts tomorrow and I still need to pack Draco's things, pick mine and Blaise's things up, and bathe the boys!' Pansy realized as she changed the two male Slytherins' diapers. She picked them both up and took them to the bathroom for their bath. Pansy filled the tub with warm water and was about to place them in when She heard a small voice ask, "Wha abow bubbles?" She turned around to see that the voice was Draco's. "Of course you can have bubbles sweetheart." 

Pansy dumped about 3/4 of a cup of bubbles into the bath and grabbed the boys' bath toys. She stripped them down to their diapers and stopped the water. The female Slytherin lowered the boys into the bath and they became to play with the bubbles and bath toys. After 10 minutes of playtime, she began to wash them and dress them. She put Blaise in a dark blue hoodie with black sweatpants and Draco in a purple shirt with navy blue leggings. She gave them their stuffies and their pacifier and placed a lock on the door and a spell around them so she could know if anything happened to the boys. She walked downstairs and flooded over to her house to grab her trunk and then quickly shrunk it and placed it in her pocket. Pansy ran downstairs to the floo, went to Blaise's house, and grabbed his little space bag and trunk. She shrunk those along with her bag and flooed over to Draco's house once again. 

They spent the most time over there because Dray's mansion was bigger. She came back into the room to see Draco sleeping on the floor with Blaise sitting there playing with blocks and babbling to Draco who he didn't know was asleep. When he turned around, he saw that Draco was sleeping he began to pout. "Dayyyy chu was't eben wistining!" Blaise whined. Draco shot up too quickly and he got dizzy and fell back only to hit his head on the rug. "Owwie! Baise!" He shouted. "Dat was nut mah fauwt" Blaise replied as he continued to play with his blocks. Groaning, Draco sat up only to see Pansy in the doorway, he yelped. "Aunty Pansyyy!" Blaise yelled as he finally looked up from his blocks. 

"Hello, boys. I need to pack Draco's things so Dray if you could please come out of headspace. Blaise darling you can stay if you want to." She said as she walked over to Draco and crouched down and whispered in his ear,  "Oh look Dray, it's Potter" Almost immediately, Draco came out of headspace, spat out his pacifier, and stood up. "What?! Where?! Is he coming!?" He shouted looking around frantically. Pansy giggled at her friend's antics. "I'm joking Dray, you need to pack for Hogwarts. Blaise and I are already ready. I can help you pack your school supplies but you need to pack your clothes." Groaning, Draco began to trudge to his room leaving Pansy and Blaise, who he forgot was there as well. When Draco walked out, Blaise began to fuss. "Aw, what's wrong Blaise?" Pansy asking and she bent down to pick him up. 

As soon as he was in her arms, he began to whine and snuggled into her chest. "Aw, are you tired?" He didn't reply. It was quiet for a good 15 seconds and all you could hear was him sucking on the pacifier. 'Guess so' She carried him down to the kitchen and heated up a bottle of milk and walked back upstairs to the nursery. Pansy set him in his crib and took his pacifier out (which caused him to whine) and replaced it with the bottle. Since he was super tired, he latched onto the bottle and started to drink the milk. Pansy left to go check on Draco in his room to see how his packing was going. 

"Hey, Dray. How's it going with the packing?" "It's going good I guess. Where's Blaise?" "He's sleeping in the nursery. He woke up earlier and lost a lot of energy from whining and crying this morning when no one was awake. So he was fussy and I gave him a bottle and he's falling asleep." Draco nodded as he finished packing his clothes for school. "I'll go pack the little space bag if you pack the school supplies," Pansy said as she inspected her nails. Draco murmured something that sounded like "Okay sure go ahead." So Pansy walked back to the nursery to see Blaise sucking on the tip of the bottle and hugging his bunny to his chest. She replaced the bottle with his pacifier and turned the light off, turned the night light on, and left the room to prepare dinner. 'I'll pack Dray's little bag after.' She said to herself. 

She walked downstairs and began to prepare spaghetti for herself and the boys. A house-elf offered to do it for her but she politely declined. Since they are trying to change for the better. The trio had agreed we need to start being more polite and start to do things ourselves. Pansy finished making food around 7 pm and as soon as she washed my hands and set out the plates, she heard crying upstairs. 'Just in time.' She walked towards the stairs and see Draco asleep on the couch face first in the living room. Pansy walked upstairs to Blaise sitting up crying in his crib. She set him on the changing table to change him but he was dry so she decided to change him after they ate. She walked him downstairs and Draco trudged in right after she strapped Blaise in his highchair. Pansy passed out the plates and they began to eat. Pansy had to feed Blaise at times as well as feed herself so she was busy. She sent Draco to take Blaise up to the nursery and wait for her when they finished eating.

She washed and dried the dishes and made two bottles of warm chocolate milk. She carried the bottles upstairs to be met with two sleepy littles. She changed Draco's diaper and gave him a black onesie with green spots on it and a matching pacifier. She did the same with Blaise only he had a green onesie with black spots and a pacifier that matched. She laid them in their own cribs and handed them their bottles. She then cast a charm to put a lightshow above their cribs and play soft music. Pansy turned off the lights and cast lumos on her wand. She picked up a plain dark green diaper bag and began to pack.

She packed him a few pacifiers, diapers, pull-ups, his stuffed Panda he named Benji, some onesies, bottles, his changing things, and more. When she finally turned around, she saw two boys asleep sucking on an empty bottle. She replaced the bottles with their pacifiers and covered them in their blankets. She pulled the gate up and walked out the door to her own room. She changed into black silk pajamas and got into bed. Sleep hit her hard as soon as her head landed on the pillow. She fell asleep with one thought on her mind. 

"Damn I'd make an amazing mum one day." 

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