the second day

107 6 10

"Rose, can you please leave me alone?"

Di pagi hari yang cerah ini, sudah terjadi pertengkaran antara dua manusia yang keliatan memang sudah seperti kenal lama, padahal mereka baru berkenalan kemarin.

"Gosh, it's very wide here. You can get a little away from my place" Seru Rose yang sepertinya memang sedang tidak dalam mood yang bagus.

"Tsk, this is my house stupid!" Balas Johnny sambil menoyor dahi Rose sampai Rose hampir terjengkang ke belakang.

"Rose, Johnny, don't fight! How many times have you fought since Rose was here?!" Teriak Ayah Johnny dari garasi mobil.

"Because of you, my mood is ruined. Even though today I should have found a school" Ucap Johnny gusar sambil mengusak rambutnya.

"Wait, are you looking for a school, John?" Tanya Ibu Rose yang daritadi mendengarkan perbincangan kedua manusia yang berstatus anak SMA itu.

"Yes, that's right auntie. It's just that I haven't found a school that really suits me" Jawab Johnny dengan mimik muka sedih.

"You can go to school with Rose in Korea. But you have to ask permission from your father first" Ucap ibu Rose sambil meminum tehnya.

"Is that true? I'm fine if I have to go to school with this troublemaker" Ucap Johnny dengan muka menjengkelkan.

"Hey! I'm not a troublemaker!! Geez, looks like I won't stand it if I have to go to school with you" Kesal Rose sambil mempoutkan bibirnya yang menurut Johnny menggemaskan.

TXT x BLACKPINKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang