starting of class

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The next morning I woke up at 5 and went to the Slytherin room the girls left the door now and I used my wand to open it and started to set my stuff from yesterday and get ready for classes.

Time skip after breakfast

"I and Hermione have to go guys see ya bye," I say as I drag Hermione out of breakfast.

"Hermione you know we have to leave early," I say wondering why she took so long today.

"I know I just studied too long yesterday night," she said, still tired, which isn't like her.

It's ok let's go me and Hermione used the time turner and we went to ancient ruins and 2 other class soon after we had hagrid first class as we appeared behind Ron he got startled

"Blood hell!? How are you everywhere?" Ron said

"That doesn't matter I hated this class it was utterly ridiculous," Hermione says "but ancient ruins on the other hand is a wonderful class" I had wide-eyed and nudged her with my elbow "Ow-" she said

"Wait a sec that's at the same time as deviation how could you possibly attend 2 classes at once!?" Ron said

I looked worriedly at Hermione "oh ron we cant now let's go we're already behind a lot of people

We went near Hagrid and Hermione suspicions ly says "I think they're funny "

"Oh ya really witty gods this place got dogs to wait till my father hears dumbledore got this of teaching class," Malfoy says

Before Harry could say anything I said "shut up Malfoy" I was done with him and I had enough from every one of the Slytherin's

He started making howling noise and stepped closer to me and the trio behind me. He looks me up and down "And why should I do that love? '' he asked with a smirk. ughhh Malfoy Harry couldn't stand Malfoy talking to me like that he treated me like his lil sister. I was a couple of months younger than him.

"Oh leave her alone Malfoy," Harry said, stepping forward. After that Malfoy said "dementor, dementor!!" We all turned around. There was nothing of course.

All the Slytherin gang put their hod's up I was done with it.

I brought my wand out and praksoin stood in front of me so I put my wand under her neck. She started a light wimped Trina act like she's ok but I didn't do anything and went to hagrid

He showed us a hippogriff "now you must be aware there very pro creatures and get offenses easily" "come near its bow and if she bows back you can touch her, now who first every one stepped back but I and Harry were to in aw of looking at it and we somehow volunteered I bowed with Harry and it looked at us for a minute and then downed back we went near it and pet it.

It slowly came near us too and we petted him out of nowhere it pushed us on top of it and I was sitting and riding on it. Now we flew and flew across Hogwarts to the lake and slowly turned back. It was my happiest I had felt in a while. I had forgotten that Harry was on the twin behind me when we landed we got congratulations.

Then I heard Malfoy come near us and more the hippogriff that wasn't good he went near it and I think he forgot it gets offended. The hippogriff's protectiveness came and hit Malfoy's arm. Typical Malfoy reaction he overreacted

"oh, Malfoy stop overreacting it was your fault anyway," I say as I rolled my eyes I still felt like I should check on him so I followed hagrid after we reached madam pomfrays I told Hagrid he could go knowing he had to teach a no see if buckbird was ok. And I stayed to only realize that I had volunteered to stay with Malfoy even if it was for 45min's

When Madam Pomfrey called me I entered "pls stay with Mr. Malfoy for 15 mins I need to get something from snape," she said "and between us is nothing more than a scratch he just has an overreaction" I roll my eyes and nodded I opted the gate and Malfoy looked at me

*Draco's POV*

I saw y/n walk into the room I was first glad it wasn't praksoin she slowly came near me it felt nice to see her there for some reason I don't know why but it did there was silence for 10 minutes then

I said "why was Potter so protective over you anyways" she looks up at me probably wondering why I started a conversation

"He treats me like a little sister. He cares for me. You won't know that you would treat people like they live under your shoe" she scoffed.

Ughhh this girl normally girls would love if I start a conversation but she was different which made me more interested. "I don't treat or trust everyone."

"Ughhh whatever what do you need Malfoy you never talk to me or for that matter anyone in Slytherin" she say's " until they were gonna pick on me and like you would care Malfoy," she said it lighter this time.

"I'm here Malfoy and Miss. moonshine you can leave '' we heard madam Pomfrey say. We both went different ways as we left she said "bye Dra- Malfoy" I smiled a little and said "bye y/n"

*y/n POV ***

I heard him say bye back and not my last name my first name as in y/n I walked into the great hall after dropping my books and taking my journal in my dorm I sat with the trio

"where were you y/n," Harry asked

"Ya where were you," the twins asked in union

"I- was with Malfoy," I said writing in my journal 📓

All of them looked at me in shock "what!?" I ask

"Why were you with him I thought u hated him you almost hexed pansy," Hermoine said

"Jezz I stated cause hagrid had to go," I say

Ohhh they say out of nowhere Seamus comes saying "he's near us, he's near us"

I knew it was gonna be a very crazy year

Soon we had DADA (in DADA)

"No one knows what it is it takes the form of whatever your most afraid of," Hermione said

"Very good miss granger now there is a very easy charm against it ridiculous say it with me, ridiculous," said professor lupin 'Ridiculous' chanted the whole class "this class is ridiculous," said Malfoy "oh shut it Malfoy," I say

"Wait when did you get here!?" He asked

"Ughh just now," I say

Slowly people came and did their turns Neville's was snape Ron's was a spider 🕷 professor was a moon for some reason I don't know why tho it was Harry's turn his boggart turned into a dementor I was right behind him I stepped in front and it turned into me showing everyone my dark mark..... I didn't have time to think so the charm was "ridiculous!" It turned into us as children and lupin zapped it into the closet "that's it you all can go"

I ran out of that classroom and to the girl's bathroom not only did it show me with the dark mark which was gonna happen in less than a few months this is what I mean I didn't even know that was my biggest fear the worst part was I didn't know anything about what where or who I am? I sat on the cold floor crying wondering exactly what had just happened.

I left the bathroom when everyone was having dinner and went to my dorm in Slytherin and covered myself with my sheets and went to sleep overthinking everything that had happened

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