Chp. 7

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For the rest of the school day Moses sat with me in silence and we watched the view of busy streets of Johannesburg. He sat beside me as I lay my head on his chest for the first time feeling comfort in the arms of a boy.

The bell rang for the end of the day and Moses sighed. "I have drama rehearsal now," he stated.

I sat up and looked at him. "Ok."

"Aren't you going to head home?" he enquired.

I shook my head no. "I have a lot to think about," I stated staring out at the view.

Moses gently adjusted me so he could get up. I winced slightly as I leaned my back on the tree. I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile, "Are you sure you don't want me to ask anyone for help?" he asked.

I nodded. "I've had worse days."

"Well... can I take you out sometime?"

"After my eye gets better... maybe."

"Well, then I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded.

Moses left and I remained alone.

I waited for the dust to settle and for the crowds to die down before I got up and made my way up the field. I went to Mrs Ivey's classroom to see the door opened with her seated with Lisa discussing something. I knocked on the door and they looked up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but-"

"Marissa?! What happened?" Mrs Ivey asked coming up to me. "Oh my God, you're bruised everywhere!"

"Ma'am, I promise I'm fine."

"No you're not. Who did this to you? It's time justice be served. Who was it?"

"No, if you try to get justice, he's going to kill me. Please, just ignore this, pretend you didn't see any of this."

"Marissa, this is serious! What if your father sees you like this?"

"He won't! He left for business purposes!"

"But this has been going on for a while now and as you can see its getting worse."

"But I can handle more. I've had worse days."

Mrs Ivey sighed.

"What I need right now is a hug, but I'm in too much pain for that, so I just need your advice," I stated.

"My advice to you is to give me the names of those who hurt you and let me take care of them."

"Not that!" I sighed as I dropped my bag, "Its about a boy. I have no one else to go to but you."

Lisa got up and said, "I'll go check on how they're doing in the hall, excuse me." Lisa left and Mrs Ivey grabbed my hand pulling me to her desk. She let me sit in her seat and I winced slightly as I sat down.

"I swear when I find out who did this to you."

"You won't."

"So who's this boy?"

I sighed, "Moses, he found me sitting at my spot on the field and he said a few hurtful things, he left, then he came back, he apologized and told me that... he loves me," I briefly explained.

"Wait... isn't he part of the drama team?"


"Well, what's up? I don't understand what's wrong."

"He asked me out. And I'm scared. I mean I've dated before but I'm different now. Now I got problems, scars, stress, I got a lot on my plate actually and what if he's lying? What if he hurts me like everyone else?"

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