Chp. 1

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I emerged from the water which filled the tub.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself before draining the bathtub. I grabbed my hairbrush and looked at my reflection as I did my hair. At times I hated my hair.

As result of having Portuguese and South African blood running through my veins, my hair was bushy, long and curly all at the same time. Brushing it, was a nightmare.

After doing my hair, I got into my school uniform and grabbed my bag. I walked out of the apartment heading down the stairs. I greeted the security guard and made my way off to school.

I arrived to hear the bell ring. I always ensure I arrive just in time, I don't like arriving early cause that's when the drama for the day begins. First lesson, I had English.

I took my seat as the Mr Kooman made his way to his desk. "Good morning," he greeted. "Morning sir," the few learners in the class greeted back. He was taking register as the thugs and bitches of the class made their way inside.

I looked down at my books avoiding eye contact with them all. Class began, we were doing language.

I was taking down note as Mr Kooman explained the work when I heard my name being used in a conversation.

"Vele, she's a bitch, everyone knows."

I felt a familiar sting in my chest.

"Hey! Chantel! I don't want to hear your gossip!" Mr Kooman yelled.

Chantel rolled her eyes and chewed on her gum loudly.

"And you know the rules, no chewing in my class, especially if you don't know how to!"

"Do I look like I care? Teachers these days."

Mr Kooman stared at her, his anger was becoming evident.

"Sir, I know I'm beautiful but please, keep your creepy eyes to yourself."

Chantel's friends burst laughing, some giving her a high five.

I sighed as Mr Kooman called Chantel outside. I stared at my book when I heard someone calling me. I ignored them.

"Ye wena Marissa!" I felt myself being pulled my the hair. Before I could see who it was I felt a hand against my cheek. I felt heat and pain on the side of my face which had been slapped. I looked up to see Melissa.

She looked at me with disgust. She took my book and tore out the pages I had been writing notes on.

"Thanks for the study notes, I appreciate it," she chuckled. She turned to leave. "Bitch," I whispered under my breath. She turned to face me and grabbed me by the shirt, "What did you say?"

I gulped, "Nothing."

She forced me to my feet and shoved me against the board while her friends cheered her on. "What did you say?"


Melissa gave me a fist to the stomach. "What, did, you, say?"


She gave me a knee to stomach causing me to drop to floor. I could hear laughing all around me followed by shouts of encouragement to Melissa. She then kicked me in the same area several times.

I coughed out feeling excruciating pain. Melissa pulled me to my feet by my hair. She threw me against the wall. I rolled over in pain all over my back.

She looked out the window and made her way back to her seat as her friends congratulated her while some came and laughed in my face.

As Mr Kooman made his way into the classroom, the bell rang. I got on my feet and packed my bag. I rushed to the bathroom and locked myself in sitting on the unhygienic floor.

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