Chp. 8

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After our breakfast at Wimpy we were taking a stroll around the mall when Moses stopped. He looked at me with an evil grin on his face.


He took my hand and dragged me with him to a stage where Multichoice was doing a promoting kind of event or something. Can't think of the right words but yeah. A guy on the stage asked the crowd if there was anyone who could sing.

Next thing I knew I felt Moses lift my hand. I looked at him and he was pointing at me. I looked at the guy on the stage and he pointed at me.


I shook my head vigorously and pushed Moses in front of me.

"Go! I wanna hear you sing!" he exclaimed.

"No you go!"

"Come on! You could win a prize!"

"If you don't go, I'm leaving," I stated sternly.

Moses sighed. He went on stage and grabbed the mic.

"Hey man, how are you feeling?"

"I'm good," Moses replied.

"So, here's how this is going to work. You are going to sing a song and then you are going to spin the wheel and stand a chance to hit the jackpot of a R5 000 Stanley Mall gift card you can spend in any shop in this mall. Are you ready?"

Moses nodded.

"Right you can tell DJ I.C.E which song you'll be singing."

Once everything was set, Moses took his spot center stage and took a deep breath before he began to sing. As soon as I heard the first word, I was in utter shock. He had a magnificent voice, unlike any other I've heard besides famous singers of course but... I was blown away.

And when he got to the chorus he looked at me, as if he was speaking to me.

Scared to the death
That she might be it
That the love is real
That the shoe might fit
She might just be my everything
And beyond
Space and time in the afterlife
Will she have my kids
Will she be my wife
She might just be my everything
And beyond

When he finished his song, he was given the chance to spin the wheel. He spinned the wheel and I really thought it'd land on the worst prize, a plain old Multichoice t-shirt. But instead he hit the jackpot. He got the gift card and came up to me.

"Well done!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks," he smiled.

"So what you going to do with that money?"

"We, are going shopping," he stated emphasizing we. He dragged me along, "Come on!"

"Wait, what do you mean we?"

He ignored my question and dragged me to Mr Price. "First things first we need you to dress up and loosen up a little, we need to awake the fire inside of you," he stated giving me clothing.

"Whats wrong with me just the way I am?" I enquired.

He stopped and looked me in the eyes, "No offense... but you got no vibe."


He dragged me to the fitting rooms, took my bag and said, "So you get in there and get changed."

I rolled my eyes and went into one of the rooms closing the curtain. I got into the first outfit which were comfy sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. I walked out and showed Moses the outfit.

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