The strange way of a meeting

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Hawks POV

It was late I had just finished doing some work the other pros asked me to do so I got out of the office. I was walking down the street when I suddenly get this feeling that someone is following me. At first I ignored it but each step I take the more that feeling grows bigger. I started to get scared but I know how to defend myself so if anything happened I wouldn't be in that much danger but it still could be very dangerous. I looked around a couple of times and there was nothing.

I entered a dark alley looking to see if there was anything behind me I turn around nothing was there just me and my shadow walking through a creepy alley as a short curt. I take a few steps forward now being almost haf way through the alley but then I feel a warm touch of my neck I turn my head around only to see a person. A 5'9" black haired guy, me being 5'6", with bright ocean eyes and having some purple burns on himself with his hand wrapped around my neck. After looking at him I immediately recognise him. He's the villain Dabi!

Scared I can't form any sentence or even word other than "Stop". He looks me in the eyes and with a slight smirk he questions "And why should I?", I wouldn't just explain to him because I know he's playing dumb so I say right after he asks such a stupid playful question "You know I can just turn you in" I wasn't really making eye contact with him but after my response I hear a little giggle and then look at his face and think to myself why is he laughing? But before I could think of anything else I hear from the villain "Haha how funny. You would never turn me in" I get a little frustrated by how he's acting but try and keep my calm "What? Why wouldn't I turn you in? You are a villain and stopping villains is MY job!" I say taking some deep breaths to not loose my patience. "There are many things you don't know about be... but I can't tell you just yet" Dabi whispers in my ear in a mysterious voice. "What things?" I ask curiously and he just responds with "Didn't you hear me I won't tell you now maybe one day" after that I straight away try and ask "But wh-", but before I could finish the sentence I get interrupted by a warm kiss.

His lips were soft and then I slowly fall into the kiss. After a while we break the kiss for air and I, quickly, look away blushing like crazy.

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