Chapter 4

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I glanced up at him from beneath my lashes for what must have been the eighth time in the last five minutes. He had a huge smile on his face as he waved his hands around, trying to describe something in the story he was telling one of the guys at the table. After we had raced into the cafeteria, we had gotten packets of off brand cereal and milk to fill our aching stomachs. I still hadn't seen either Jess or Lilly, but I didn't worry too much, I knew if something happened, there was always a guard close by .

We sat down, and sat away from everyone as possible in the far left corner. He scooped his spoon into the frosted flakes, and chomped it down as it went in his mouth. "I hardly ever wanna eat anymore, I don't know what's wrong with me. " I glanced down at his cereal, making my nauseous just the look of it.

"Tori, nothing is wrong with you. It's the medicine they are making you take. If it's not letting you eat you need to talk to them about it. " Jasper dropped his spoon, turning into my mom acting so concerned. "Jasper, I have to take it . It helps so much with my nightmares and it's the only one that actually helps so I rather not say anything ."

"Do you want me to hand feed you? You're already underweight, and if they find out about you not eating they will shove a tube down your throat. " Jasper said passing his left over cereal, and a new spoon watching me like a hawk. I could feel the vomit, sliding up my throat. I rushed tripping on my chair, and falling face first hitting my head.

"Tori? You okay? " Jasper said shaking me lightly, not to hurt me. "Yeah, I'm fine. " I said , as everyone had there eyes on me, and whispering. "You took a pretty hard fall, here let me help you." Jasper handed out his hand, I felt so dizzy. I grabbed it wobbiling side to side, as he guided me to one of the nurses.

"What happned? " Nurse Piper said getting out of her seat, she seemed pissed since she was on her lunch break. My head was killing me, I don't know what was going on everything seemed so blurry. I looked right and could see Lilly in one of the beds, but something wasn't right. She wasn't moving, she was hooked up to so many machines .

"Lady Bug sit down." Jasper said guiding me to the closest seat. "What is wrong with Lilly?" I said quite loudly, leaving a ringing echo. "She must of hit her head pretty hard" Piper said closing the door to the room, that Lilly was in. "What are you talking about? Lilly isn't in that room." Jasper plopped down on a seat next to me.

Piper handed a ice pouch to me, and told me to place it on my head. That wasn't going to do anything. I swear I saw her, it had to be her. I guess I did hit my head pretty hard. "I can take it from here sir, now go run along." She pointed towards the exit, as she had her other hand checking my temp. I don't know what she was doing, but she was making it seem like I was sick or something. But I didn't want Jasper to leave, he makes me feel safe.

"No, I'm not leaving her sight. Now check her in a bed, and let her rest. Tori I won't leave you at all. " He was rasing his temper up. He pulled me up, and flopped me on the bed in the other room they had. "Sir I will call security on you, now scoot along and let me do my job. " Piper rushed after us, and had her phone in her hand pretending to dial numbers.

"Jasper leave, I'll be alright. I don't want you in trouble, and I'm sure Piper knows what she's doing." She could tell the sarcastic in the tone of my voice. "Alright, I'll be back soon. If you need me she better let you get contact of me." He rolled his eyes at her, and pushed into her shoulder on his way out saying "oops"

"He gets on my nerves, just because no one gets in contact of him anymore doesn't mean he has to act like an asshole." Piper handed a cup of water to me, I slighty grabbed it as my hands were shaking. "What do you mean about that?" I didn't understand, he said his parents call all the time. "He has nobody, no one contacts him." Piper was grasping on my wrist to hear my pulse.

"His parents call all the time, doesn't that count." She was making me wonder if everything was a lie, was he lying to me this whole entire time. "Parents? His mother and father are dead, they died in 2013 sweetheart. " She was even looking at me more like I was crazy.

"But he calls them a lot, they can't be dead. You are making a bs story up, I wan't to see him! I need him right now. " I mounted up, and placed my feet on the floor. "Lay back down, I shouldn't be doing this but wait a minute." She came back with the phone, and hopped on the bed with me. Her feet were dangiling off the bed.

She dialed a number in, and it went straight to voice mail. "Hi you reached the voice mail off Sarah, and Joseph. We can't get to the phone right now because we are spending time with our little girl Lydia, but leave your number and we will call as soon as possible. Have a wonderful day. " It hung up, and made Piper glance at the floor.

"What was that? That's not his parents, they mentioned a girl named Lydia. Jasper mentioned to me that he had no siblings. " I couldn't get that womens voice out of my head, it stuck to my mind like a leech.

" I shouldn't be talking about patients, now get some rest. This was between us, sweet dreams. " She shut the light off, and slammed the door, leaving me in the dark. The most thing I was afraid of in this world. "Please i hate the dark!" I shouted so loud, I didn't have my medicine to calm me down. I slowly fell asleep due to crying.

I slowly opended my eyes, and felt a lot better from the accident. It was in the afternoon almost night time, and everyone was at dinner. "Hello?" No one replyed back. I settled my feet on the floor, and grabbed the handle to the doornob.

I was still feeling weak from the accident. "Jasper? " I called out, opening the door. "Miss Tori, everything is alright. How are you feeling?" Piper called out, as she noticed me. She was sitting down, typing on the computer.

"Fine, better. I should be heading back to my room. Thank you, for the help. Has Jasper stopped by? " I wiped the sweat off my forehead , and closed my eyes feeling dizzy.

"Every hour, he really cares about you. But be careful Victoria. He's no good for you. But yes I think you should head back to your room. What room are you in? I'll make sure they know your heading down. " Piper picked up her phone.

"Room Twelve"

So it's been awhile , but hope you like this chapter. But so sorry for the wait. But everyone reading my story, this means a lot to me. Have a nice day lady bugs xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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