Chapter 1

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The classroom was usually empty thirty minutes before the lecture was set to start. Hyunjin, who always came early after his morning dance class, used this time to drink a coffee, let his damp hair dry fully and revise the material they were expected to before and after the lecture. Today, though, it looked like he wasn't the only one early.

A guy Hyunjin had only ever seen in passing in the lecture sat next to Hyunjin's usual seat. He wore an oversized black shirt, approximately five golden chains around his neck, and he had way too much product in his hair for it to be healthy. One strand falling in his eyes was dyed a mossy green, and Hyunjin winced internally in sympathy. Green was a difficult hair colour to have, it looked like shit way too easily.

"Yo, what's up," the guy said in English and then continued in Korean, "I'm Trevor. You're Hyunjin, right?"

"Uh, yeah," Hyunjin said and reluctantly took his seat. The dude definitely came early to talk to him, and Hyunjin didn't know how to feel about that. He didn't know a lot of people in the music department, and since he was only here to satisfy his curiosity he never planned to. His social life happened with his dance friends, and their friends, and the occasional calls with his mom.

"You're gay, right?"

"Uh, yeah," Hyunjin eyed the guy, "I mean, bisexual, but yes." Maybe the guy was trying to come out to him? Ask for advice? Nothing about the guy gave Hyunjin bully vibes, except maybe the hair – but really, the hair only seemed to yell 'I'm straight and don't want to know anything about hair care.' Hyunjin supposed he should stop making fun of the guy's hair. What was his name again?

The guy grinned. "Great! You're like a model, too, right?"

Hyunjin shrugged. So he signed up to be a nude model for the art department. It's not like he was nude all the time there. He already suffered through Felix and Minho laughing at him, before they signed up as well.

"What if I were to tell you I could give you ten million won if you date this dude?"

Hyunjin blinked. "What?"

The guy grinned and Hyunjin couldn't help but lean back a bit.

"I'm not going to sleep with you for money," Hyunjin answered. "Or, at all, actually. Thanks but no thanks."

"Oh, no no," the guy lifted his hands, "not me! Also, you don't have to sleep with him. It's ten million won!"

"What?" Hyunjin resisted the urge to facepalm. "Is this a cult thing?"

"No!" The guy laughed at that. "Maybe I should explain."

"Maybe you should," Hyunjin agreed.

"My friends and I have this rivalry with this douche," he started, "like, you know the type. A rapper, thinks he's better than the rest of us, has a Soundcloud, is an antisocial ass, right?"

Hyunjin nodded along. It sounded suspiciously like music department gossip that his roommate would find amusing, because didn't that description sound like every single rapper in this university?

"Well, this one offended me and some friends, so we've thought of a plan. That's where you come in." The guy paused and watched Hyunjin for a reaction, but Hyunjin had perfected his poker face a long time ago (when he signed up for nude modelling). "You're attractive, so you'll ask him out and he'll say yes, and then you date him for one month, that's important. One month, so he falls in love with you, and then you break his heart."

"Oh?" Should he point out that this sounded like the start to a trashy teen romance that would still end happily and definitely not like Trevor seemed to think it would end?

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