Chapter 7

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"So you just watched a drama yesterday? That's why Changbin-hyung kicked Chris and me out yesterday?" Felix looked torn between laughing and pretending to be angry. It was kinda cute.

Minho took great care to fold one of the cafeteria's tissues, and Hyunjin wisely got up and changed seats so Felix was between them. They were in the small cafeteria of the dance department, which offered healthy snacks for almost affordable prices.

"So?" Hyunjin shrugged. "It's not like you and Chan-hyung needed to be at our place."

"Hmm," Minho frowned at his tissue, "so did you have a nice time with Changbin?"

It sounded like a threat. Hyunjin swallowed and busied himself by taking a sip of his water to avoid answering what clearly was a trick question.


Hyunjin jumped at the noise and turned in his seat.

Changbin smirked at him from across the cafeteria. He looked – good. Really good. Hyunjin barely managed not to choke.

Remembering their act, Hyunjin rose to his feet and waved. "Changbin-hyung! Over here." In his black leather jacket, ripped black skinny jeans and silver chains around his neck and attached to his belt, Changbin looked great. Well, he always looked great, but usually Hyunjin was able to breathe normally around his friends. What was happening? Was it the smirk? It was definitely the smirk. Changbin casually sat down next to Hyunjin, casually leaning into his space, casually waving hello to Felix and Minho, and yeah, no, actually, maybe it was the eyeliner.

"How were morning classes?" Changbin casually rested an arm behind Hyunjin on the back of his chair.

Two could play this game. "Exhausting," Hyunjin sighed and melted into Changbin's side. "But I'm at least fifty-one percent sure it's because today's a Monday."

Minho crumpled the tissue in his fist. "Why isn't Sungie with you?"

"Chan-hyung just texted," Felix smiled at his phone. "He says that they thought it better if we didn't flaunt our relationship this month, because if people realise Hyunjin's friends are dating Changbin-hyung's friends, the whole thing loses credibility."

"It's not like it's a secret we're dating," Minho grumbled, "but I guess that makes sense. After all, your new couch is on the line."

"Thanks, hyung," Hyunjin smiled widely. "We're also on a mission to be the cutest couple on campus. Even if you tried, you and Jisung wouldn't stand a chance."

The tissue in Minho's hand ripped. "Careful now."

Felix's laughter diffused the tension. "We all know Chan-hyung and I would win that. Just ask Jeonginnie and Seungmin."

"Seungmin and I dated for one day, and now I'm suddenly incapable of being in a cute couple?" Minho tried to look upset but failed utterly.

"You didn't date, hyung," Felix sighed, "you fake-proposed to him to get freebies for Jisung."

"Squirrel-print socks, Lixie," Minho shook his head, "you would have done the same if it had been a kangaroo, don't even attempt to lie."

Felix turned up his nose but didn't deny it, and Hyunjin met Changbin's eyes.

There was a spark there, in Changbin's dark eyes. A soft smile in the corner of his lips. Like he was sharing a secret with Hyunjin and Hyunjin was all too happy to share it. Just them and their friends, lunch and the noise of the cafeteria fading.

Then Felix got another text from Chan, noticed the time, and they all dispersed into different directions to their theory classes.

Hyunjin, Felix and Minho met up in their usual studio after classes, with Hyunjin and Felix arriving an hour before Minho. They spent that hour freestyling to Runner's High and Matroshka and giggling their way through Wow. Minho walked in on their fifth replay of Wow, shook his head and joined them, and then promptly introduced Hyunjin to the wonders of Zone and We Go. They didn't end up practising their own choreographies.

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