Chapter Three~ Exam Part Two

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Examinations From Captains

Y/N and Yuno passed the first test with flying colors

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Y/N and Yuno passed the first test with flying colors. The adjective was to use their mana to make the broom either float or fly. 

While Yuno stood up on his broom with his arms crossed, Y/N was laying down on hers with her arms behind her head. One leg was bend upwards as the other was hanging off the edge. The Captains watched in amazement at both their mana control. 

Meanwhile, Asta's grunts can be heard from down below as he couldn't even get his broom to float. One of Y/N's eyes opened as she watched Asta's struggling. She wanted to laugh at the faces he was making but decided not to. 

The girl knew that he would have a hard time in the exam but the Captains would see his potential, even with his lack of magic.


For the next test, they had to break down the wall that was placed in front of them, without their Grimoire. 

Yuno used his wind magic to break the wall, as Y/N used her water magic. She uses the flick of her wrist to send a wave of water to crash into the wall. Asta still struggles, as he holds his hands in front of him trying to use his no existent magic.

 After that, the next test consisted testing their mana control as they levitated a piece of paper. Yuno used the power of the wind to made the paper float. Y/N decided to copy Yuno and use Wind Magic as well. 

The Captains watch in shock as the white haired female uses wind to hold the paper into the air. 

" Didn't she use water to destroy the wall, How can she use Wind Magic also?" One of the Captains think out loud. 

"I've never seen someone who can have two elements..." Another Captain added.

As for the third test, it was a test of creation. Using there magic, they were instructed to create anything they wanted. 

Yuno creates a bird made from wind magic and watches it fly above everyone. The white haired girl decided to use the element of land to make a person out of dirt and rocks. She then goes on to control the person by making them walk and do flips. 

"Preposterous! How can a mere Peasant control three elements!" A Captain shouts just loud enough for the captains to hear only. He slams his hands against the arm rest as he watches the purple eyed female.

"She must have some strong magic..." Another one comments.

" She's nothing but a commoner, just look at her strange eyes." One sneers as he examines the girl. Her eyes were purple, nothing too uncommon, but there was a strangeness in them that made him shiver.

As the last test arrives, they were told that they will have to test there combat skills. 

Everyone scrambles to find a partner that they will go up against. That seemed to be difficult as everyone was avoiding her and Yuno like a plague.  She was glad to see Asta with a partner, It was the same guy that introduced himself to him earlier. 

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