Chapter Fifty Nine~ Three More

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Inside the raging Black Bull sat the members of the Black Bull squad. They are venturing towards the Royal Capital as they continue to eat Charmy's food as much as they could.

That was until, the three mages from the Eye of the Midnight Sun revealed themselves from a black spatial magic portal. It was the Sally, Rades, and Valtos that looked like they came from the dead from the terrible way they appeared.

"You guys..." Asta uttered in disbelief. "What are you doing here?!" he demanded.

"I don't like the look on your faces..." Y/N narrows her eyes at all three of them. Rades had the audacity to show off a grin after what they did to them. 

"Heya, Black Bulls." Rades greeted as he gestures his right hand towards them. "I'm gonna use you guys to get my revenge..." he stated earning a confused look from the Black Bulls.

"Hey, Y/N...who is that guy with an ugly face..." Luck points his index finger at Rades with a giggle. Rades immediately narrow his eyes at the blond boy due to his rude comment.

"What the hell did you say, brat!" Rades scowled in irritation.

" No one of importance...Just someone who is going to get murdered by a certain female sheep" The white haired female answered, ignoring the fuming corpes mage.

"The Eye of the..." Grey stuttered before covering her face in shyness.

"They attacked our base..." Gordon told them which angered a certain cotton magic user.

"Are you the ones who destroyed my vegetable garden back at the base?!" Charmy demanded with multiple irk marks on her shining forehead. An army of sheep cooks can be seen behind her who are engaged as well.

'Are there eyes glowing red!'

"Those who waste food shall pay! La!" Charmy declared as the sheep cooks nodded in agreement.

"Shut up!" The corpse magic user scoffed, "Tch! You guys piss me off too! But right now I want to kill that bastard Licht!" Rades declares.

Y/N ignored the way her heart tightened at the thought and raised her brows in question instead. 

Rades remembered how the light magic user used them as a sacrifice for the reincarnation spell. It is all thanks to his corpse magic that they are able to escape their deaths.

"He tricks me, tricked us, and used us however he wanted and then sacrificed us for his own goals!" Rades revealed but the Black Bulls didn't even sympathize with them, "He's going to pay for this... No matter what, if it's the last thing I do!" Rades declared. "Licht is heading to the royal capital! He's probably there by now. If we power up Valtos's spatial magic with Sally's Dark Magic Items, we'll be able to transport this moving base of yours. We will be in the royal capital in an instant..." Rades informed with a wide grin on his face.

The Black bull members stood quiet in thought as they pondered over what was said. Y/N narrows her eyes the the male, she was still a little bitter from the whole incident. 

"You guys want to hurry to the royal capital too, don't you? Right? Then we have the same goal." he stated which makes Asta irritated. "Lend me your strength! Not a bad deal, right?!" Rades offered.

"Judging from the mana, it feels like all the elves are heading to the royal capital." Luck informed them as he sensed the elven magic from afar.

"But isn't it too convenient that you just suddenly showed up to ask for help?" The delinquent mage asked in suspicion.

"Asta, do it..." Y/N shifted her eyes to the ash blond instead. Asta returns his Demon-Destroyer sword to his grimoire as he moves his feet towards Rades. He is fully aware of what she meant by that.

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