Chapter Thirty Four~ Luck

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"NO!!!" Vanessa's voice shouted with closed eyes as she heard the thud of Asta's sword. Her lower lip quivered as she awaited the voice of her white haired friend. She couldn't see if she was a live or not.

"This...This truly is the power  to control destiny..." The Queen uttered in shock as she peered over something behind Vanessa.

The white haired female stood perfectly alive with one of her arms free from the bounds of the blood crucifixes.

" This cat is both harmless and unavoidable..." The Queen chuckled, " So you've awakened. Well done, Vanessa. I've been waiting for this moment. I've waited long" Her smiled turned malicious, spreading her palm towards Vanessa. " Blood Magic: Puppet's Blood!" She chanted as she clenched her right fist.

Vanessa started to feel the blood magic flowing through her veins. She winches in pain, knowing that the Queen would be able to control her.

"Now both you and your magic belongs to me! That power best suits me because I am perfect!" The Witch Queen declared as a flock of crows started forming behind her.

She formed a huge scythe with her blood magic and swung it towards Vanessa. She will try to use the red thread of fate on her own.

The red feline touches the Queens forehead with it's tiny paws, stopping her plans. The Fresh Blood Execution Ground Magic of the Witch was undone and everyone was released from the crucifixes magic.

"Impossible...Impossible..." The Queen mumbled as she falls to her knees.

All of her magic was ineffective as it kept changing fate.

"There's nothing that my perfect magic cannot control! So why?!"

The red feline jumps on Vanessa's left shoulder as it let out a soft meow while wiggling it's tail. 

"So this is the power to control destiny that you were talking about" Vanessa's brows furrowed at the defeated Queen, "I don't know much about this power yet. But there is one thing I do know. This magic only takes the side of myself and those I have family bonds with. You and I have no bond..." Vanessa finished as she patted the head of the red cat.

"Impossible..." The Witch Queen murmured again before her eyes softened, "Perfect..." She stood up, " So as you wish...You have utterly defeated me" She stated with honesty, " Blood Recovery Magic: Curse-Breaking Blood-Filled Cocoon" She chanted, healing every wounded mage in the whole Witch Forest.

Vanessa watched her retreating figure after she finished using her Recovery Magic. She didn't say anything to the Scarlet Witch after that.

Y/N wiped the tears from her face as she ran to Asta when his swords and form disappeared. His body slumped onto the ground with closed eyes and slowed breathing.

They did it...They were able to save Asta's arms, Save the Forest, and escape the Witch. Finally, they can return home.


"Captain Yami! My arms are fixed! Thanks to everyone, I'm healed!" Asta cried with tears streaming from his eyes.

After they took the Magic stone from the Queen Witch, Asta received a good beating from Y/N and hugs from everyone else. He eventually received a hug from the white haired female, making him sigh in relief.

He had no memory of what happened when he was under the spell.

"We actually made it back alive!" Finral cried, thinking about how they managed to surpass their limits after they encountered the enemies.

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