first day

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fuck. its my first day at Hogwarts and i'm not looking forward to it. i already miss Beaubaxtons and all my friends...iv'e just arrived at Hogwarts express waiting to board the train,i see everyone saying their goodbyes to family members which sparks some sort of jealousy in me because I've had to do this all alone... well the house maid 'aunty Julie' as i like to call her has taken me but it doesn't feel the same.

"come on dear,lets get you on the train now shall we" she softly spoke while handing all my luggage to a man. "i'm going to miss you so much aunt Julie." my voice cracked as i spoke. she was the one who practically bought me up.i came home every weekend when i was at Beaubaxtons so i was able to see her often,but now i will only be coming home for Christmas and summer breaks."oh y/n don't be silly,i will write to you every weekend! don't get me wrong i will still miss you like crazy though my love" she smiled and bought me into a tight hug. 'wow,i'm going to miss her hugs' i thought to myself.

i finished saying my goodbyes to Julie and stepped onto the carriage instantly smelling chocolate and cinnamon while being welcomed by the warmth and coziness of my surroundings. my father told me to sit in the slytherin carriage because he guarantees i'll get sorted into that other words he believes in pureblood supremacy, i find it pathetic really,judging and looking down at someone just because of their blood status.pushing my thoughts to the side i start making my way to the slytherin carriages which i was informed that they where at the very end. just as i reached them i crashed into a tall and rather intimidating figure. i was about to hit the ground but before i did a strong muscular pair of hands gripped my waist.

My eyes traveled up to a stormy grey pair of eyes that seemed to be already studying my features. his jawline was chiseled and defined and his pale as paper skin made his breathtaking pair of eyes stand out.i noticed his facial expressions changed to a frustrated manner which broke me out of my trance i didn't even realize i was in. "beau garcon"(beautiful boy) i whispered to myself as i was in a stood of shock by his beauty."pourquoi merci cherie"(why thank you darling) he smirked as he gave my waist one last squeeze before he let go of me which that sly gesture gave me instant butterflies. My face dropped at his response. 'shit,he speaks french' i cursed to myself. "pffft don't get cocky,i wasn't being serious" i spat,i'm not dealing with anyone's cockiness especially now.. "oooo not so friendly" he taunted. "why are you in this carriage anyway,go back to the filthy blood traitors compartment where you belong" he hissed.damn this man i haven't even known for 10 minutes is already giving me bipolar vibes."for your information,this is my first day here and my father says i will be sorted into slytherin and so do i so mind you business" i protested 

Just as he was about to argue back another boy abruptly interrupted calling someones name which seemed to be the boy standing in front of me. "malfo- ahhh this is why i cant find you, with another girl again aye" he jeered. "piss off Nott,i was actually just finishing my conversation with this pathetic mudblood,or should i say 'new girl" he mocked and stormed off leaving me and 'Nott' in complete confusion. "don't mind him,hes always like this love" he spoke in a flirty tone while checking me out which caused my cheeks to heat up. "what always a twat?" i teased."yes,something like that,anyways i didn't catch your name" he let out a breathy laugh "y/n,y/n Alarie and you?" i confidently said. "Theodore Nott but call me Theo" he said delicately shaking my hand and winking which made my face go a light shade of pink. "sit with me and my mates if you like and don't worry Malfoy won't bother you" he reassured in which i agreed to his offer.Thank god,i don't have to look like billy-no-friends on my first day.

It had been a few hours since my first encounter with the high o'mighty Malfoy and iv'e been introduced to all of Theo's friends; Pansy Parkinson,Blaise Zabini,Lorenzo Berkshire and Astoria Greengrass i have been getting to know them and they all seem like my type of people; purebloods,rich family and from what I've heard, they love a good party which i'm pleased to hear. Well, iv'e been getting to know everybody except from one person, Malfoy. Hes been keeping quite this whole time and only adding in a few comments here and there which confuses me, whys he gone quite all of a sudden? i catch him staring at me every so often but when we lock eyes it only lasts a few seconds before he turns away and start randomly flirting with pansy which she doesn't mind at all, pffft how pathetic.

mon chéri ~D.MOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant