chapter 4

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It had been a few weeks since my first day and i'm finally settled in,I've good a tight group of friends and a decent name for myself. I would be lying if i said i haven't had some great seshes with the group and even sometimes just me and the girls. Theo and I are much closer but i wouldn't say were definitely not and thank god Malfoy hasn't found out.

Draco and I haven't spoken much,just some nasty or sarcastic remarks.I find myself staring at him sometimes,admiring his beauty. He's so breathtaking yet such an arrogant twat.If i'm being completely honest i do fantasize about him often but i'd never admit that to a soul. I catch him glaring at me too sometimes which causes me to blush under his intimidating yet alluring gaze.He seems to find it amusing as he smirks when he notices my bight pink cheeks.

"you good y/n? you seem to be day dreaming a lot lately" Lorenzo questioned as he saw me staring into nothing. "oh yeah i'm good,just a lot on my mind that's all,nothing to worry about though" i reassured him. He smiled and nodded in response. I was lying,my mind was filled with the damage my father once did to me, its been poisoning my dreams every night.It's like he's getting into my head purposely.

*Draco's POV*

these past few weeks have dragged on excruciatingly slowly. I desperately want to talk to y/n but I know for a fact it won't end well. It never does. I always regret the shit I say because i see her face drop and her eyes become glossy from the spiteful remarks and insults I spit out. I'm so used to being an absolute cunt that doesn't care about anyone's feelings, but with Alarie i see everything differently,she makes me feel something other than anger and sadness. I crave her.

I always catch myself staring at her. She's so captivating in many different ways.I can't take my eyes of off her and when we lock eyes she always ends up blushing which causes a proud smirk to grow on my lips. It's cute how she feels under just my glare. I wonder what she'd be like under my body as i'm fucking her.As i'm listening to those innocent little moans from her mouth as i please her with my cock thrusting inside her tight cunt.

Shit. No, not right now,I'm in fucking class and i'm getting hard over her. She doesn't even know what she does to me.The things I fantasize about her,i would never tell a soul though.I shift around in my seat trying to hide my erection.I used my blazer to cover the front of my trousers and slide down in my seat. Alarie noticed my movements and shot me a confused expression but glanced down and realized.Fucking bitch is finding it funny,i'll get her back.

"Mr Malfoy and Miss Alarie please pay attention to the front please" Snape shouted which broke our provoked eye contact

"Certainly,professor" I gritted looking back at the girl opposite me.

She rested her face on her hands and took her attention back to the professor but her mind didn't seem to be here,she seemed to be thinking about something.That something appeared to make her face slightly drop in misery, I wanted to ask her if she's ok but i'm Malfoy,I don't give a fuck about anyones' feelings. Sometimes I hate my ego.

 Every time Alarie goes near a boy it irks me, I don't know why.It's like she's my possession. Only I get to feel her and make her laugh,not fucking Nott. He's getting close with y/n which makes my blood boil.I fuck other girls but they don't seem to fill my needs enough,i'm missing something. Someone. Getting off to her isn't enough either. I need her body, that's it. I need her body,a quick fuck and my needs will be filled,then i'll forget about her,like it is with every other girl.

*Y/N's POV*

I saw him try to hide his boner today,but him and I both know I saw. He looked pissed, I wonder what he was thinking about to get himself hard in the middle of class,but I also wonder how big it w-,no. After we got shouted at I ended up getting lost in my thoughts. Same old. I wish my thoughts could be clear of that pathetic excuse of a human for at least one minute, it's unbearable.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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