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"Go on then, Nurse Y/n. Sort me out."

Jotaro roughly folded his clothes and placed them aside. Positioning his hands behind himself and leaning back, he looked up expectantly at Y/n, a mocking expression plastered on his face.

Y/n felt her entire body go up in flames.

Oh god. Oh my god. Second time! Second damn time, Y/n. How do you get into these situations!

"I- I- You- What?" Y/n stammered. After giving him the quickest once-over she could manage, she dragged her gaze away to stare intently at the bedframe behind him. "There's nothing there."

Jotaro sighed heavily and, the lack of apparel on his body made the movement apparent on his chest. "There is."

Trying to push the utter mortification away, Y/n chanced another glance at his torso. Whilst there were no severe injuries, there were some barely-there gashes scattered on his front. Looking up, Y/n fixed Jotaro with an unimpressed stare, despite the blood pumping through her body. "Such a drama queen. These would've healed on their own in a few days."

Jotaro shrugged, one broad shoulder lifting up before dropping down again, "My back's worse. I thought I'd get these fixed too whilst you were at it."

Y/n grimaced. "Ah. Right."

"Well, hurry up," Jotaro said. The amused smirk remained glued to his face, "And just saying, you're the one making this painfully awkward for yourself."

Pulling a face at him, Y/n called out Chrome Cortana. Swiftly, her Stand got to work, accurately covering the wounds that were littered across his chest and stomach. Y/n made sure to keep her distance, her newly found Stand ability allowing her to do so.

Once satisfied, Chrome Cortana pulled back, hovering beside its user.

"What else?"

Silently, Jotaro held out his hands and turned them over, presenting the backs of them. Even without the deep bruises blooming across them, his hands were in a terrible condition. The skin was mangled, and raw edges of flesh stuck out at various angles, as if something had ground down on it.

"What happened?" Y/n breathed. Automatically, she reached out to hold the ends of his fingers to comfort him. But naturally, as soon as she registered what she was doing, she aborted the action.

Jotaro's face contorted into one of distaste, a stark contrast from his entertained but almost peaceful expression previously. "The fucker stepped on them."

Grumbling as her Stand set to work, Y/n stared at Jotaro. "I hope you fucked him up in return. He was one of the most irritating ones we've come across so far."

"Hm. Dan was already pretty beat up through what happened to his Stand. But he went through at least four buildings afterwards."

"So that was why there was so much rubble?"

"Yeah. It's safe to say the bastard won't be bothering us again."

Y/n hummed, pulling away once again after her Stand had finished. Somehow, she had managed to throw together a facade of neutrality towards Jotaro and keep it there. "You said your back was worse?"

Nodding, Jotaro shifted around and fell forward onto the bed, keeping himself up on his forearms. The moment he turned, Y/n closed her eyes and sucked in a silent breath. Bringing her hands up to her face, she squished her cheeks between them and sighed. It's not as horrendous as last time. Don't be so awkward about it.

Removing her hands, she opened her eyes, looking down at Jotaro's back and prepared to deal with whatever injury was there. But whilst there was a nasty, painful-looking wound glaring right at her, it was not the first thing that caught her attention.

Good Grief Woman - Jotaro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now