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Iowa pov

" WHERE THE HELL IS HE GOING!" We turn to see the commander and the police with him " He is just going for a sail commander he hasn't had any sea time." I answer the commander starts to shake and his eyes become bloodshot " He is ordered to return at once for a unauthorized retrofit and for being a possible spy!" He yells I feel my blood chill as I grit my teeth before Georgia speaks up " Sir you told me that you don't want to deal with the paper work for retrofits on top of that he has spent the past three months with Cleveland,Hornet and myself so I don't think..." the commander snaps at her cutting her off " I don't give a damn I want him stripped and grounded and the moment I ask for your opinion I will fucking ask for it!" We all stop and blink as Georgia tries to figure out what to say. " Infact all of you are grounded till he returns and Georgia you are no longer me secretary." He snarls before spinning on his heel and marches away as Georgia drops to her knees. " When he become like this?" I ask as everyone shakes their head and together we look out over the bay and watch y/n sail into the distance. " Good hunting dear brother." Missouri says as we all sit down on the peir.

Y/n pov

I turn my radio off as I had been listening in I snarl but keep sailing and catch a good current ' Don't worry girls one day I will return.' I think to myself as walk up to my bridge and to my map and mark the three locations " Okay with this current I should be able to reach this island over here by mid-day." I say to myself as I point a pin on a island alittle further north of my location the I draw a line from the base to the island before I do the same with the others before something clicks " Clever Sirens sitting up a base in our waters now I just have to find you." I chuckle as look out over my deck and my smile fades " Still I would have liked to bring them along but I don't want them amongst the shit show I'm about to start." I grab a pair of binoculars and hang them around my neck. I just sigh and walk to my mess hall to find a wierd box with a note stuck to it "y/n I know you will probably get bored will you are at sea so I had vestal instal this jukebox for you it has music up until I was decommissioned have fun.- Iowa" I read to myself only to chuckle and press a random button.

I move along and start making a sandwich before making my way back to the deck and notice the island sticking me sandwich in my mouth I lift the binoculars up only to find nothing " hm nothing strange then again it's only the first island." I look towards the horizon to spot a lone siren ship " Well then sis let's try one of these missiles." I hold up a finger gun and lock on " Target locked and bang." The harpoon missiles launches and flys through the air before making the siren explode I just whistles "Hot damn sis you been hiding the good shit!" I drop anchor " Lets see if I connect to one of them." I walk up to the bridge as I see a seagull  fly of with my sandwich i just sigh.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi y/n scrubbing  his guns

Hornet pov

" What is with the commander? He never been like this?" Georgia asks as we sit on my flight deck " Yea it was a complete 180." Cleveland sighs as she lays back " I'm beginning to argee with y/n something is wrong." I say as everyone nod. " Well I picked a hell of a time to tune didn't i?" We all look around before we each press by our ears " Y/n!" Georgia all but screams " Oh are you girls holding up I over heard what happened?" I bite my lip " Yeah we are doing fine." I choke as Georgia and Cleveland wipe their eyes " Now Hornet that is a lie I can tell you all want to be free to sail I know that all to well. Georgia from what I know you are a strong willed, kind and beautiful woman. Cleveland you are fun energetic and you are a your best when you are smiling." Each of the them smile warmly as tears pour from their eyes. " Hornet I don't know where to begin with you. You strive to make your own mark you basic denie the fame your sisters forged your determination legacy that makes you stand out it is that I feel for." I feel my face heat up as I wipe tears away. "  What I had just told each of you is how I see you and why I fell for each of you. And sisters how long are you going to eavesdrop?" The three of us look around not seeing anyone "Aw our litte brother is growing up so fast.~" Iowa coos making us blush " I'm sorry baby brother we tried to stop her and you don't have to worry about us we will be fine."  We all smile and shake our head before we hear y/n yelling " Damn seagull give me my sandwich this is the 3rd time Ah to hell with it!" We hear his AA going off while he keeps screaming at the bird forcing us to laugh.

"Thank you y/n you be safe." Georgia says " Your welcome Georgia and you to. I love you all." We smile before we hear the line cut." So I think we can argee to share him."  We smile and nod.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm just running out of energy next chapter will have a lot more combat.

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