Matt teammates at level 80

5 0 0

Matt the fox Level 80

Hp 90000/90000

Mp 50000/50000

Speed 50000/50000

define 8500000000/8500000000

Annie the raccoon level 80



Speed 90000/90000

Define 9000/9000

Wild the dragon slayer Level 80

Hp 654000000000/654000000000

Mp 987000000000/987000000000

Speed 9999999999/99999999999

Define 5634000/5634000

Tray the Assin  level 80

Hp 125800001/12580001

Mp 987450/987450

Speed 90156/90156

Define 9630000/9630000

Skills that they can you is all of them 

Matt shield that he uses is an air stack shield mane shield warp shield time shield dragon slayer shield the ultimate skill shield and the levels skill shield two say this time a new shield 

Next time A dungeon runs Matt and Annie the sex and her pregnant?

Will, what do that guys think about this story it twoThe Rising of the Shield Hero fox?

Please write that one first before you read this one ok and I hope you like these two ok

The Rising of the Shield Hero Fox 2Where stories live. Discover now