Chapter Four

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Goku held on to Vegeta as the smaller male slept. He listened to the steady heart beats. He glanced at the clock which showed in bright red numbers 4:45 AM. Lately, Goku had been restless. Ever since Vegeta's condition worsen he's afraid that one day the small male won't wake up anymore and Goku wasn't awake to save him. He nuzzle into Vegeta's chest more breathing in that familiar peachy scent.

Goku only slept for four hours that night. He was dragging again in the morning. Of course Vegeta scolded him about it.

"You've been staying up again, haven't you?" Vegeta asked raising a brow. Goku's cheeks flushed, "y-yeah..."

"Kakarrot, I told you time and time again to stop doing that. You need rest. Just look at you." Vegeta cupped Goku's face with one hand. His soft thumb running across Goku's cheek and beneath his eyes. "B-but Vegeta-"

"No ifs, no buts, no coconuts. I need you to take care of yourself. I'll be okay, promise." Vegeta offered Goku a gentle smile. That smile made the taller male tear up. Goku tried to swallow the lump in his throat but he ended up crying anyways. "I just... just don't want you to... to..."

"Kakarrot..." Vegeta sighed, "it's going to happen eventually..."

"Vegeta, no..."

"I'm not gonna be-"

"Vegeta, NO!" Goku shouted, "we're gonna fix you. Okay? I said it millions of times and I keep saying it until it comes true." Vegeta only smiled sadly. They both knew that wish was an impossible one. The shorter male brought his lover close kissing him. "My sunshine." Vegeta whispered cupping Goku's face.

"My moonlight..." Goku whispered back. He hugged Vegeta with all his might. He felt his lovers hands run through his messy spiky hair. "I love you, Kakarrot."

"I love you more." Goku stayed in bed holding Vegeta. At some point he dozed off. When he woke up it was to Vegeta's soft humming.

Goku shifted to sit up a bit. "See? You look much better after getting some rest." Vegeta said smiling softly. Goku felt his face heat up, a light shade of pink dusted his cheeks. "Hahaha... yeah I feel better too." Goku rubbed the back of his head out of habit. "Are you hungry, Vegeta?"

"A little bit. It seems my nausea is coming down."

Goku nodded hopping off bed first before helping Vegeta up. He took them to the kitchen where Gokus sat down his love on a chair before going into the kitchen to prepare something.
As he cooked, Goku could hear Vegeta sing a familiar song. He listened to it quietly as it brought nostalgia.

It was late summer, Goku and Vegeta were enjoying their last few days of summer vacation together before the school year began again.

"C'mon, Vegeta! Let's go to our secret hide out!" Goku held on to Vegeta's hand running through the woods. They made it to an old shack overgrown with vines along with other plants. Both kids squeezed their way through a small hole on the side of the crumbled shack.

"Hahaha! We made it! What do you wanna do?" Goku asked sitting down on the dusty floor.

"Can we just sit here? I'm a bit tired." Vegeta took a seat next to Goku. They sat there in peaceful silence for a while. Only the sounds of nature filled the empty space. However, it was interrupted by a soft hum. Vegeta had began to sing a song.

"Into each life some rain must fall..."

Goku smiled at his friend. He got a little more comfortable by laying on Vegeta's lap. The smaller boy didn't mind and continued to sing.

"Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts but when I think of you another shower starts."

Goku turned off the stove as he finished making a meal. He paused for a moment lost in thought. That song... it meant nothing. He was a kid. To him it was just a song. Now that he's older the lyrics made much more sense.

"Kakarrot, are you okay?"

Vegeta's voice brought Goku back to reality. "Huh? Oh! Yeah I'm... I'm okay." Goku brought over the plates to the table. He kissed Vegeta's cheek, "here, eat up." He sat across his lover tucking in on his own plate. They engaged in simple conversation about whatever. "My next doctor's appointment is in two days."

"Yeah, I know. They're gonna stick a bunch of needles in ya." Goku said shuddering at the thought of those pointed things.

"Its not that bad. You get used to it." Vegeta laughed, "I don't get why you're so afraid over such a little thing. You faced bigger things and didn't blink."

"Well... I dunno. You know what they say all heroes have their weaknesses." Goku joked.

"Indeed they do, my hero." Vegeta leaned over the table a bit kissing Goku. "I'll always be your hero, Geta."

"I know."


"Kakarrot, I said I'm fine. Its just a little blood. It happened before." Vegeta whined trying to shoo away Goku.
"No Vegeta, last time this happened you almost died! It starts out small then it gets serious."

"Please, I'll be okay. Just calm down-" Vegeta broke down into more bloody coughing. "Vegeta, I'm taking you to the hospital. Don't argue with me."

"Kakarrot, I don't want to go." Vegeta raised his voice, "I hate it there. I'll be stuck there for days, please." Goku shook his head. "I'm sorry, but you're going." He carried Vegeta to the car placing him in the passenger seat.
The entire ride to the hospital was painfully silent. Goku felt awful for going against Vegeta's wishes but this was serious! He could die if left untreated. Then what? Once they got to the hospital Vegeta was immediately admitted.

Goku sat next to Vegeta as Dr.Amari spoke about their situation. "I'm afraid your condition has worsen, Vegeta. I highly recommend for you to stay here until... well..." Dr.Amari cleared her throat, "I don't want you going home anytime soon. For now rest and we'll treat you to the best of our abilities." With the doctor left. Goku looked over at Vegeta who held a miserable look.

"Vegeta I-"

"Why can't you accept it?" Vegeta cut in.

"W-what do you mean?"

"One day I'll be gone. You know there is no fixing what's wrong with me yet you always go through these lengths to try and save me."

"Vegeta... stop."

"I won't be here for much longer why are you-"

"I said STOP! I love you that's why! You're my entire world... you're everything to me. The very thought of you leaving breaks me, because I won't see your smile, I won't hear you laugh, I won't wake up to you... you'll be gone but I'll still be here!" Goku felt hot tears rush down his face. "I'm scared, Vegeta. I don't want to be left alone."


Goku buried his face into Vegeta's stomach sobbing. He held on to the short man as of hisblife depended on it. The radio began to play softly and the song was the song Vegeta sang.

This is the song that inspired the chapter. Thank you for reading stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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