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Peter doesn't hate his job. It's kind of boring if he's being completely honest. He loves Mr. Delmar, but it's not always very busy. Recently, though, he has been looking forward to James coming in for lunch. He never appears to mind Peter rambling on, and even seems to pay attention to what he says. James doesn't talk very much but seems nice enough, all of the other customers just glare at him when he tries to make conversation.

In any case, he is happy when his shift is over. Tonight, May let him invite Ned and MJ over for dinner so she is also ordering pizza. A new movie just came out for rent so MJ is bringing it over and Ned is bringing his new Lego set.

MJ made fun of them for playing with Legos, but the boys knew it was only a joke. Besides, she always helped them.

Before Peter heads home, he has some work to do.

He leaves the back way that leads into the alley and promptly tears his suit from his bag. In less than two minutes he is on top of the building next to him.

"Hey, Karen? Can you scan the local police reports and check security cameras for crime?"

"Sure thing, Pe-" A scream interrupts Karen's sentence. Peter vaults into action, shooting a web at a billboard above his head.

"Check for heat signatures in the alleys," Peter commands.

"Up ahead there are two heat signatures."

He swings faster, small beads of sweat drip down his brow, and is absorbed by the mask. His heart thumps in his chest, but the familiar tickle at the base of his neck and adrenaline coursing through his veins is exhilarating.

After a few more seconds Karen informs him that he has arrived at the correct alley. Before dropping to the ground, he peers over the edge of the building. One girl is tall and has long blonde hair while the other has bright red hair.

Neither one seems to be in distress, they are both laughing and seem to be enjoying themselves.

Peter inspects the scene for a moment longer and is about to turn around when his eyes catch on a familiar face.

A man glimpses around the corner and stares intently at the two girls before sighing and disappearing around the building.

Peter doesn't know the man too well, he only started going to Delmar's about a week ago. But yet, there was no mistaking. It is James.

Dubiously, Peter made his way to the front of the roof to look below him. James is standing with his back pressed against the wall and his eyes pinched shut. He seems to be bothered.

"Karen-" Peter's voice trails off and his eyes narrow as a burly man walks towards James and raises his hand. Before the teen can react the sound of skin striking skin rings through the air.

James seems just as surprised as Peter's, his eye flick open wildly almost. It's as if there is a transparent wall in between Peter and the streets beneath him, his instinct drives him to help the man, but a small prick in the base of his neck urges him that something is off.

For one, that dude was huge, and besides a little bit of shock, James didn't even flinch.

"Karen, enhance the audio please."

"Why were you looking at those girls, huh?" The brawny man barks.

James' body sags at the comment and he mutters, "I wasn't,"

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