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It was all that plagued Jungkook's sleepless nights. Trying not to disappoint his parents and become the wizard they wanted him to be.

Don't get him wrong, he loved the sport. However, insomnia and early morning games/training do not match.

Lazily trekking down the staircase with Jin, he made his way down to the Great Hall to meet his other boyfriends.

After slumping down on the bench next to Namjoon, a cup of coffee was slid in front of him. Gladly sipping it and setting it down, he cleared his throat to speak.

But clearly, Yoongi had something to say as well.

"So, quidditch today."
They both said at the same time.

Despite being tired, Jungkook was immediately woken up by that. He slowly raised his eyes from his coffee as he looked up to face Yoongi.

"Do you mean?..."
Jungkook said tentatively

"Yes, of course; Slytherin vs. Gryffindor! I get a close up view of my boyfriend on the pitch, because I'll be on there too!"
Yoongi gushed, with a gummy smile spreading across his cheeks


"Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, I just thought it was
Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff."

"That's next week, silly!"
Jimin giggled

Jungkook looked normal on the outside, sipping at his coffee and reaching for a pastry from the middle of the table, but inside he was trembling. Last time he had played against Slytherin, they had won and his boyfriend playfully boasted about it. Jungkook just smiled and played along, but was dreading the letter he would receive from his parents. Their son?! A Gryffindor?! Loosing to their absolute rival?!

Trust me when I say, the Jeon family found it to be no laughing matter. They didn't mind as much for losing to other teams, but Slytherin got them real riled up. Just imagine, surely they would simply drop dead if they found out that their son was in a polyamoric relationship containing two slytherins amongst others.

Snapping away from his thoughts when he found his cup to be now empty, he rose from the table and headed down to the quidditch pitch for a short practise and warm-ups.

Yoongi left shortly afterwards to prepare. Rival games were always a big deal. Just because Jungkook was his boyfriend didn't mean that he had to go lightly on him. He smirked and cracked his knuckles as he exited the Great Hall.


. >>time skip>>


Huddling closer to Namjoon, Jimin shivered as he wrapped his own green and silver scarf around himself. No one even cared that the group always sat in the wrong stands, they just left them to it, knowing that Dumbledore had a slight soft spot for all of them and didn't care where they sat.

Jimin pulled Jin closer to his other side as he clung onto his hand with his own tiny icy one. Jin placed a soft kiss on the top of jimins head before removing his own red hat and placing it on the shivering boy's head. Jimin smiled softly before gasping and suddenly becoming giddy. The game was finally starting!


. >>time skip>>


It had been around 45 minutes and Jungkook felt like he was gonna be here forever, everytime he advanced towards the snitch, it would disappear out of sight again. He was getting exhausted fast, his hands sore from gripping the broom so hard, and back aching from his current posture. The current score was
Slytherin:70 Gryffindor:20

He glanced over at his boyfriend further up the pitch. He was perfect for the position of beater, he hit the bludgers with great accuracy and even told the others that it helps release anger and stress.

Jungkook loved being seeker, but was only really one in the first place because his parents needed him to be the star of the show, the main player.

He tried to keep his focus on the game and finding the snitch, but his thoughts resurfaced and started to become overwhelming. What his parents would do if he lost to Slytherin, how he had to win this match.

His fears rising, he failed to notice his loosening grip on the broomstick. Either way, he was doomed to fall. He knew as the white dots began to block his vision and loud yells began to get quieter.

As his poor body fell limp, he began to fall. A slytherin beater across the pitch frozen in horror as his boyfriend fell.

A Hufflepuff with quick instincts rushed to the front row of the stands before whipping out his wand and screaming the first spell he ever learnt.


{heh, sorry if I made this seem too dramatic, I hope you enjoyed💕}

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