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After eating together that evening, they talked a lot and got to know Hoseok better. It was now the next day and Hoseok was walking with Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi to their next lesson; Muggle studies with members of both Slytherin and Hufflepuff house.

"So, are you excited to learn about the muggle world?" Hoseok asked delightedly, fiddling with the strap of his satchel.

Jimin smiled and skipped next to Hoseok happily. "Yes! I've been interested in muggles and their ways ever since I met-"

Yoongi cleared his throat behind him. Jimin faltered before resuming his big smile and acting as if nothing happened.

"Well good, I'd say I'm quite the expert on the topic. It's very interesting!" Hoseok continued

When the four of them got to their class, they sat down around the same table and got out their textbooks.

"There will be no need for those," Professor Burbage stated. "Today we will be using a state of the art piece of muggle tech."

Jimin was practically vibrating in his seat, dying of anticipation.

"Now, for those of you hoping to learn how muggles communicate long-distance in their day to day lives, you may want to learn how to use one of these," She began, holding up a slim, silver rectangle. "A smartphone."

Hoseok now also seemed very excited and couldn't stop himself from speaking outloud.

"I've seen that before, my mum has one!" He exclaimed, soon freezing after realising his mistake.

"Oh, so you're a mudblood then?!" A voice sneered from across the classroom. Fellow Slytherins surrounding the bully laughing with him at the poor Hufflepuff.

Taehyung put his arm around Hoseok's shoulder and made eye contact with the Slytherin across the room. "Yeah," he spat with fire in his eyes "and what if he is?"

"Now now, Mr Lee. No mention of that word in my classroom, once more and you shall recieve a detention." Professor Burbage said sternly.

"That fucking Minho asshole." Yoongi muttered under his breath. He was always with his dumb Slytherin group consisting of Yang Jeongin, Kang Yeosang and Kang Taehyun, the weirdo always trying to hit on Huening Kai, an innocent hufflepuff.  

From then on Hoseok kept his head down, only looking at his work for the rest of the lesson.


. >>time skip>>


"And then he called Hoseok a mudblood." Jimin finished.

"Is he okay now?" Namjoon asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure, he didn't eat with us at lunch or dinner." Jimin answered.

Taehying hummed "He was quiet in divination, too." He said sadly.

It was early afternoon and Namjoon, Jimin, Seokjin and Taehyung and Jungkook were waiting for Yoongi to arrive after his quidditch practice. They often came and sat outside on the grass, waiting for the sun to set. It was all very romantic and it was their bonding time. To relax and have calm conversations, or maybe to make up for something one of them did wrong.

Usually, Yoongi wasn't this late. There was around ten minutes until the sun would set and he was nowhere to be seen. Jimin laid back on the grass and cuddled into Jin's side, wondering what was taking their boyfriend so long.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was seething while looking at the scene before him. On his way from the qudditch pitch to the spot where he and the others always met, he had decided to take a detour through the castle to go to the toilet. After exiting the toilets and turning the corner, he had discovered whatever it was that made his blood boil as it did right now. 

Minho was holding Hoseok by his collar up against the wall.

"I don't even know why people like you bother showing up here. You disgust me." Minho spat "I bet no information gets into that stupid mudblood head of yours. Muggle borns like you have no place here, and no right to learn here! You might as well go cry to your filthy muggle mother, you piece of sh-"

Suddenly, a fist of steel went straight into Minho's jaw. He dropped a terrified Hoseok to the floor and staggered slightly before swinging his fist in the direction of Yoongi. 

Hoseok watched helplessly from the floor, trying to bring the strength to stand up again. He winced as Yoongi was punched in the nose and again in the eye. Yoongi managed to get one good punch on Minho's eye before he kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the floor.

"Sticking up for another mudblood are you, Min?"

Minho whipped out his wand to cast a spell as Yoongi was beginning to get back on his feet.



Minho stood in shock as his spell was stopped by Hoseok, who now had his wand in his hand.


Yoongi grabbed Minho by the throat and lifted him up, ramming his fist into the boy's nose.

"The only thing filthy is your dad's habit of cheating." Yoongi hissed, dropping the boy on the floor and running over to Hoseok.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, you're the one who needs treating." Hoseok responded softly, observing Yoongi's bloody face.

Minho got up to run away.
"Here, take this, dipass." Yoongi yelled, throwing his wand after him.

Yoongi held out a hand to pull Hoseok up.

"Wanna join me and the others? The sun will be setting soon." Yoongi asked.

"Sounds lovely...but, I'm not intruding on anything, am I?" Hoseok questioned.

"Nope, its all good. Just come with me."

[I'm sorry Minho 😭💕]

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