Chapter 3: Reunion

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|Hatred for Love|

As they advanced towards where they knew not, Erza felt a drop of sweat going down her brow. Her breathing seemed louder in her ear, every tensing muscle registering louder still I her senses.

The end of their trek was symbolized by the bodies of Eisenwald's members littering the ground while tinting it red in their blood which spread around them in a crimson pool. Her eyes focused on the cause of the massacre: a tall man who stood in the centre of it all, holding Erigor by the neck almost effortlessly.

The blond was wearing a muscle shirt that clung to his form. His pant were tucked into his knee-length boots. One sleeve was missing from his shirt up to the shoulder, revealing the mark of the guild he now resided in. Grimoire Heart.

His face turned and eyes connected with those of a woman he may have once loved. "Hey, Erza. Good too see you again."

The switch to her Flight Armour never registered in her mind and neither did the roar she let out as she charged for the blond at a blinding speed. Everything passed by her as a blur of red, green and blue. Her sword was in hand before Naruto could even blink and even faster, she swung it at her former confidant.

Despite the speed, Naruto had no issues with dealing with her. He simply palmed her sword to the side. Then, spinning on his left foot, he landed a kick to Erza's midsection and as the redhead flew back, she could see his smirk as he straightened up.

"Good grief, can we at least go out for dinner before you try to kill me?" Naruto summoned a simple Katana from his pocket dimension and lazily waved it at the group. "You know, you won't be able to beat me Scarlet-chan, so how about we skip this and just have fun!"

Naruto was surprised by an angry Erza who appeared again in front of him. He jumped back avoiding a horizontal slash but he did not notice Erza smirking. As Naruto landed he was surprised when blood spurted out of his chest, a giant cut appearing on his chest. Naruto looked down at his chest before starting to laugh.

"Ha! Deceptive Wind Blade... wounding me with my own spell!" Naruto continued to laugh. His mirth vanished as if it had never been there to begin with. His eyes glared at Erza. "Maybe I should start trying a little."

Naruto disappeared and appeared on her right and went for a horizontal attack. Erza met his blade but wasn't prepared for the force of the attack. She was sent a few feet back. He pursued and appeared in front of her and kicked her in her stomach, knocking her out of air. As she staggered from the attack, Naruto tripped her, causing her to fall.

His foot placed over her head, the blond raised his blade ready to decapitate the redhead. The redhead had to struggle just to look at his eyes. The mirthful look certainly did not soothe her burning anger.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Naruto leaped back as the magic spell launched at him approached. His retreat came a little late as the sword he had was knocked off his hand. As he came to a stop a safe distance away, Natsu and Gray were standing between him and Erza, their eyes trying to drill holes through him. Behind them Lucy approached Erza.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked the older woman.

Erza pushed the blonde away and grabbed Natsu by the collar of his shirt. She glared at him, the urge to strike him barely resistible. "Why the hell did you jump in? This is my fight!"

Natsu glared right back. "Did you just expect us to watch you be killed?"

Erza let go of the Dragon Slayer and as she stood up full, her armour shed away and was replaced with the Black Wing Armour. She tensed for an assault, only to be stopped by a gesture from Naruto.

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