𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

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Location: the big city 🌃

KeasiaLocation: the big city 🌃

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5 months later.....

Ever since that last night I have packed up and moved to Atlanta. But two months ago I found out I was pregnant at first I thought about not telling Jakarion at all but I have to much respect to keep his child away from him.

Me and moni keeps in contact still my main bitch but I found out ria got pregnant by jay while we were dating and had a abortion so me and moni cut her off. Moni comes up to see me a lot and still no change in the love life.

But enough about the past today I finally am going back to the streets of Memphis to face jakarion. Oh and he broke up with Jocelyn a few months back but I think he in a serious relationship now.

I'm kinda showing if I wear a crop top or show my belly but moni Is throwing me a gender reveal and I'll probably be huge and I would like to have jakarion by my side.

After the flight ✈️

"Bestttttt" Moni yelled as she hugged me.

"Bitchhh you look fine asf on soul" I said admiring moni she had that happy glow and whatever it was fitted her.

"I try" she said as she wiped the fake sweat of her face. We put the suitcases in the car before heading straight to psych house I missed my frienddd but I knew jakarion was there to.

Really the only thing I feel bad about is the fact that he didn't get the chance to weigh in or plan now I'm popping up leaving him no option but I'm still pregnant and still have months left sooo.

Moni got me Chick-fil-A before we pulled up to psych house. I took a deep breath In before knocking on the door. Stoned opened it and surprisingly didn't look high.

"Bestie that you" stoned said as he hugged me.

"In the flesh" I said hugging before I walked in and saw Mikey and jakarion and some girl watching tv. Everyone looked up at me like I came back from the dead or something. Jakari looked fine as always but after the news he probably don't want to even know me. The girl looked nice and she was pretty and light skinned with blonde hair.

"Hey my shooter" I said hugging Mikey he cool ppl and we connected right off the back.

"Wassup sa you went off the grid fr" Mikey said hugging me back SA stands for "silent assassin" which he named me after the jay situation.

"Ik Ik that's my fault just had to figure sum out". I said and he nodded.

"Good to see you tho" he said before sitting back down and I sent jakari and the girl a wave before walking to find my frennn psych.

"LANDON" I screamed standing at the bottom of the stairs and watched as he jumped out of a room and pulled his gun out making me pull mine out to.

"Ik that ain't my best" psych said putting his gun away and running down the stairs.

"The one and only keasia SA" I said flipping my hair.

We both walked back to the living room where the girl was sleep on jakaris lap and Moni was sitting on Mikey lap.

"When" I said to psych pointing at them. And he shrugged looking surprised to. I found a seat on the recliner and I could feel all eyes on me making me look up.

"Aye yall tryna smoke and I got a bottle of Hennessy" Mikey said.

"I dont drink or smoke" I declined making them all look my way.

"Why" they all said making me want to change the subject.

A few moments later....

"Aye yall don't keasia look pregnant" psych asked making me tense up and all eyes back on me.

"Yea she do and she got the glow best you prego" psych asked and I knew the was no way of avoiding this question. They all kept pressing me and making jokes.

"YES DAMN IM PREGNANT" I blurted making the whole room go silent and I just pissed cuz that was not how it was supposed to go. Jakari and his girlfriend Ig walked out the door and everyone turned to me.

"Who's is it" psych asked and me and Mikey gave him the think face it was pretty obvious it was jakaris but some ppl just slow. And a few seconds later he got it.

"Oooohhh shit" he realized.

Just then jakarion walked back into the room without the girl and sat where he was sitting before and everyone made the yikes face. And silence struck.

"Nigga you know that's your baby" Mikey said interrupting the awkwardness making jakaris scrunch his face up.

"That hoe baby ain't mine" bundy said making everybody look at him with a disgust face.

" see this why i didn't want to this dumb ass shit I should have stayed my happy ass in Atlanta you and everybody in this room know damn well this your baby yes you get to have the most feelings in this situation but at the end of the day you got me pregnant so if you wanna not have responsibilities or claim your seed that's on you me and my child will be GOOD so if you wanna talk about this like fully aware adults then we can but if no yeen even got to think about me and this baby not more". I said letting one tear drop and quickly wiping it and walking out the house.

Just when I made my it out the door I felt jakari come behind me and grab my hand......

To be continued

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