It's Raining, It's Pouring

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I am going to talk more about Declan and his whereabouts later


When they return to Quantico, they sluggishly trudge their way into the bullpen. Emily notices a figure, “Who is in the briefing room?”

The team follows behind Emily. She enters the room where she sees Penelope surrounded by blue and pink cupcakes, “I know it’s been a long day for all of you, but I couldn’t wait any longer. We need to have a…” Penelope reveals a handmade sign, “Welcome Home - Back From The Dead - Baby Shower Extravaganza!”

Everyone stands slouched over and in awe of how quickly Penelope put together the shower. Emily steps forward and hugs Penelope, “Thank you.”

JJ announces, “Will is waiting for me at home. Henry won’t go to sleep unless I read him his favorite bedtime story.” JJ hurriedly hugs Emily who is standing next to Penelope, “I’m glad you are back.”

Emily waves goodbye as JJ walks out the door. Penelope cheers, “Let’s get this party started!”

As the team starts devouring the cupcakes, Penelope holds up a glass of sparkling water, “Here is a non-alcoholic toast to the wonderful Emily Prentiss. May she evade death for a long time to come.”

The team repeats, “To Emily!”

Emily takes a sip of her bubbling glass. Spencer walks towards Emily, “Can we talk?” 

Emily nods while trying to gulp down her sip of water, “Yup.” Spencer and Emily walk close to the door. Spencer just looks at Emily in disbelief. Emily breaks the silence, “Is there something?”

Spencer asks abruptly, “Why didn’t you call?”

Emily answers, “I needed to protect you- and me. I wanted to call, I really did, but I didn’t want to lose you. I had to hold onto the hope that I would one day return.”

Spencer pulls Emily in for a tight hug, “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”

Emily pats his shoulder, “You have every right to be upset. I just want you to know that I tried to think of what was best for you guys.”

“I know,” Spencer let’s go.

As Spencer separates himself from Emily, Penelope announces, “Time for the gender reveal!”

Emily is shocked, “How do you know?”

“I hacked into your doctor’s patient database and found it in your file. They really need to upgrade their online security,” Penelope says innocently with a knife in her hand ready to cut the cake.

Emily has no words, “Proceed, I guess.” 

The team crowds the small cake on the table. Penelope cuts the cake right down the middle, takes the knife out, and cuts another piece to create a slice. She pulls out the slice of cake slowly for dramatic effect and just to be careful it doesn’t fall apart. She squeals, “It’s a boy and a girl!”

While doing her little happy dance, she drops the slice on the ground. Emily pipes in, “That’s okay. Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I can’t stand cake.”

“I also knew that from your file,” Penelope steps over the dropped cake and hands her a small bowl of ice cream with two small pickles.

Emily’s eyes light up. Dave adds, “I thought you hated pickles.”

She licks her licks in preparation for the odd combination, “I did, but they really seem to enjoy it.”

“And with ice cream?” asks Aaron with a small smirk.

“Best combination ever,” Emily sticks her tiny gherkin in the ice cream and scoops out a cold chunk of vanilla. She pops it in her mouth, “Yum.”

Dave looks concerned, “I will never fully wrap my head around how much changes during pregnancy.” 

Spencer adds, “Well actually, it’s not what changes per se, more like what adapts. See the female body adapts to the babies, not the other way around…” 

The room goes silent. Penelope speaks up, “Way to kill the vibe Genius Boy.”

The party continues. Emily makes her way to Derek. Derek’s grin fades into a blank stare. Emily asks, “How are you?”

Derek responds, “I should be asking you that question.” Emily makes a face and Derek answers honestly, “I would be better if I knew… If I knew you were alive and that I didn’t bury my best friend.”

Trying to make light of his answer, Emily jokes, “What about Penelope?” Derek returns the glare Emily previously made towards him. Emily seriously replies, “It was the only way to protect the team and me. Every day I stared at the phone booth across the street from my halfway house and thought about calling you. Not JJ. Not Spencer. You. I would have called you first.”

Derek scrunches his eyebrows in confusion, “Why?”

“You were there until the end,” Emily explains. “You were there in the hospital well after JJ told you that I died. And I guess my question is, why?”

Derek asks, “How do you know that?”

Emily smirks, “I have my ways.”

Derek justifies, “As long as they had your body, I wasn’t leaving.” Emily waits a second to hug Derek. She pulls him in, “I missed you.”

“Me too.” Derek returns the hug.

“Is there anything I can do, to make up even a fraction of what happened?” Emily asks politely.

“I mean…” Derek trails off. He starts to chuckle, “You could name the kid after me.”

“Deal,” Emily holds out her hand for a handshake sealing the deal.

Derek looks shocked, “I was kidding.”

Emily whispers, “Don’t tell Penelope, but I already have names picked out.”

Derek nods along, “I won’t tell a soul.”

Emily smiles along with Derek. Penelope yawns and Derek quickly retorts, “Is Queen Penelope Garcia the ruler and keeper of all knowledge tired?” As he walks over to the Queen he looks back at Emily and smiles. Music blares from the speakers, songs are sung and dances are danced to. Emily takes in her surroundings with a deep breath. After she lets her breath go, she receives a text, ‘They will be mine’ She begins to panic but shows no fear on the outside. She deletes the unknown number and moves on.

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