Babies On Board

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Emily’s phone buzzes. Aaron reaches for her phone, “Here, you got a text.”

Emily exclaims, “I got it!”

Reaching for her phone she inevitably knocks it off the table. Aaron picks it up and quickly scans the notification. He pauses before handing her the phone. He turns to the team, “I need to speak with Emily alone.”

Derek straightens his posture, “No. Whatever you have to say, you can say with all of us. I am not going in the dark again. Never again.”

Emily looks embarrassed and slightly worried, “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Not that big of a deal?” Aaron asks facetiously.

 “It’s not,” Emily defends her privacy.

“What is it?” Spencer asks with great concern.

Aaron reads seriously, “They will be mine.”

JJ says in her best ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed voice,’ “What? Who is that?”

Emily snatches the phone from Aaron’s hands, “Nobody.” She hides the phone underneath her leg, “Where are my babies?”

Before anyone can say anything, the doctor comes rolling in two incubators, “Did I hear someone say, babies?” The team switches from serious to happy in an instant, “I have them right here.”  Dr. Richardson stops rolling the incubators and flips the brakes on.

Emily turns over, completely forgetting about the phone. The phone falls to the ground, but no one cares. Everyone is too invested in the health and wellbeing of the babies. Emily sits up and readjusts her posture, “How are they?”

Dr. Richardson explains, “Both have minimal to moderate anemia. Baby A has moderate to severe asthma that will most likely need to be treated heavily throughout his life. He also has Respiratory distress syndrome or RDS. Baby B has what is called a VSD or a ventricular septal defect. Approximately 75 percent of small VSDs close on their own within the first year of life or by age 10 and do not require any treatment other than careful monitoring. Both of them will be fine. We need to treat them, but other than that they will be okay.”

Emily mentions, “They are so tiny.”

“With the feeding tubes, they will grow to be stronger,” Dr. Richardson opens the box, “Would you like to hold them?”

Emily starts to tear up, “That would be wonderful.” Dr. Richardson carefully picks up Baby A and gently places him in her arms, then the same with Baby B. The team stands over Emily holding both her babies, mesmerized and astounded with her strength. She rocks them into a deep sleep, “You guys are the best birthday gift ever.”

Spencer chimes in, “Dave and I went to the gift shop and got some stuff. There wasn’t much, but we made it work.” He hands over the banana-colored balloons and bright orange baby booties.

“This assclown over here,” he points to Spencer, “Bought the brightest color baby shoes I have ever seen.”

Emily rocks the babies back and forth, “It’s alright. I know Penelope is going to go out and immediately buy them the whole world, so…” Penelope nods along in agreement.

“Do we have names?” Dr. Richardson asks politely.

The team waits for an answer. Emily dramatically reveals, “Baby A’s name is Louis, after Declan’s caretaker Louisa, and middle name Derek.”

“Aye! My little man!” Derek’s fist bumps Louis’ little hand lightly. 

Dave comments, “Beautiful. Perfect fit.”

Emily continues, “And Baby B’s is Lauren, because… well you know, and middle name Tsia, with a T at the beginning.” Emily speaks up before anyone can comment, “Penelope and JJ, would you like to become these babies’ Godmothers?”

“YES! Oh my Lanta, I thought you’d never ask!” Penelope runs over and tries to hug Emily without crushing the babies.

“Emily I would love to be,” JJ smiles

Emily asks the Doctor, “Are they able to hold them?” Dr. Richardson nods yes. Emily hands Louis to Penelope and Lauren to JJ, “There you go.”

JJ maternally rocks the fussy baby back to sleep while Penelope boops his nose and gawk over his cuteness. Emily then asks, “Derek and Spencer, will you be Louis’ and Lauren’s Godfathers?”

“Absolutely!” Spencer stands next to JJ and looks over the sleeping baby.

Derek responds, “It would be my honor.” Derek moves over to who he calls his ‘Little Man’ or ‘Derek Jr.’

Dave promptly pipes up, “Hey! What about us?”

Emily laughs, “You two are just the really cool uncles.”

“Damn straight,” Dave snaps his finger vivaciously, Aaron hides his chuckle.

Dr. Richardson tries to intervene politely, “We have to take them back now.”

“See you later, Derek Jr,” Derek waves goodbye to the newborn.

Aaron looks back at Emily, “Explain the text. Now.” Emily sighs and tries to lean over to pick up the phone, but fails.

Derek rushes over and picks up the phone. Handing it to her, she gets a new alert. Derek asks, “Who just texted you?”

Dave peeks at her phone, “Same guy.”

“Heard my kids were born. Don’t worry, I’ll keep them safe,” Emily reads aloud for the group to hear.

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