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Spencer assertively leans closer, “If you want to punish me for taking a risk then I encouraged you to do that, but do not put the rest of my team on trial for something that I suggested.”

The man waves his finger, “Calm down, agent.”

“This is calm and it’s doctor,” Spencer closes.

While Spencer tells his side of the story, Emily prepares to tell hers. The same man says in front of all of the team, “This team took many unprecedented risks. None were approved. The DIOG has rules. And you chose to ignore every last one. That’s blatant disrespect to the bureau and to the authority of the law in general.”

Emily crunches her body together, “Ow. Ow. Ow.”

Derek turns towards her with concern. He leans in and whispers, “Is everything alright?”

“Just a little Braxton Hicks. Double the babies, double the realness says my doctor,” Emily whispers back.

The man continues disregarding Emily’s pain, “What I find interesting is that you are the experts in behavior, but find nothing wrong with yours.” A splash hits the ground from Emily’s seat. The man stands up angrily, “What is the matter?”

“Nothing. It’s nothing,” Emily ignores the water dripping down her leg.

Penelope leans over to take a look at the situation, “Emily, did your water just break?”

Emily looks down, “Yes, but that’s no big deal. We have a hearing and I can wait a little bit.”

The man’s eyes widen, “Oh. I-” The team and the board is speechless. The man ends, “I’ll cut to the chase. What you did should have severe consequences. However, I believe the good outweighs the bad. Your case is dismissed. Go have your babies.”

The team cheers as Emily topples over, “OW!”

Penelope runs out the door speaking loudly, “I am pulling the car around, we’re having a baby!”

“We’re NOT having a baby,” Emily plops herself back in the seat.

Derek pulls her up from the chair, “Oh yes you are. They want to meet their mama.”

Emily pouts, “They’re not ready. I’m not ready.”

Spencer pipes in, “I can guarantee you, that you will never be ready no matter how long they stay in there.”

Derek punches Spencer on the shoulder, “Not the time, Spencer”

“Well statistically speaking no expecting parent ever is prepared. Whether the child be early, on time, or late.”

“OW!” Emily crunches over with more water gushing out of her.

Penelope sprints in, “I’m here! I’m here” Derek and Aaron help the limp Emily to Penelope’s car. Penelope puts Emily in the front seat and immediately speeds off not waiting for anybody. “We are almost there.”

“I- I need to call my doctor,” Emily says flustered and in pain. She leans her seat back and takes deep breaths. She calls her doctor on speakerphone, “This is Emily Prentiss, I need to speak with Dr. Lowe, my water broke and I am in active labor.

“Oh, Ms. Prentiss. It is very lovely to hear your voice. How has everything been? This is the day nurse, Krista,” the nurse ignores Emily’s concerns.

“Krista, again, it’s Emily Prentiss. I am in LABOR. My water broke. I need to be transferred to Dr. Brittany Lowe,” Emily asks again.

Krista keeps trying to have small talk with Emily. Penelope pulls into the parking lot and takes the phone out of Emily’s hand, “Hello, Krista. This is Penelope Garcia, if you had any brains at the moment, you would notice my friend is in labor with premature twins. Get me on the phone with Dr. Lowe or so help me God I will make sure that I hack into the Social Security database and make the ugliest baby’s name Krista.”

Emily looks at Penelope not only in pain but also with content. Krista gasps, “I’ll patch you in.”

“Thank you,” Penelope graciously thanks, Krista. As the phone rings Penelope hops out of her car and notices the rest of the team pulling in behind her. Penelope helps Emily into a wheelchair that was conveniently located next to where she parked.

The phone patches through and she hears a woman’s voice, “This is Dr. Lowe.”

In her peppiest voice, Penelope rolls Emily into the emergency room and talks on the phone, “This is Penelope Garcia speaking on behalf of the now non-verbal Emily Prentiss. Her water broke almost 10 minutes ago. We are rolling into the ER now. Can we come up to the labor and delivery floor?”

“Yes, you may come up to the- Wait… what do you mean we? And what do you mean by non-verbal? She is only 30 weeks along,” Dr. Lowe starts to sprint from her office to the elevator. Her office is only 2 floors above the delivery floor.

“We will explain when we get there,” Penelope hangs up and wheels the now nonverbal as a result of her excruciating labor pain.

Penelope rushes through the ER and meets Dr. Lowe on the elevator. Dr. Lowe is met by Emily and her team. Dr. Lowe takes Emily, “She is going straight to the operating room. She needs an emergency cesarean.”

The team steps of the elevator while Emily lets out, “Penelope… You stay… You stay with them…”

By the time she finished her sentence, she is wheeled off and the team gathers in the waiting room. Penelope spits out orders, “Spencer and Dave, you go down to the gift shop and shop for something you would buy me as a gift. Aaron, you stay here and update the Bureau, sir…” Aaron nods, steps out, and makes a call. “JJ and my sweet baby Derek, go get information on her room and medical stuff,” she takes a breath, “I am following her.” Penelope yells as she scoots down the hallway following Emily, “Wait! Wait for me!”

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