Chapter 9: An kidnap and trust.

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Me and Izuku was close to the base before darkness filled when the grab Izuku and tries to take me as well but before I could do anything I saw Izuku cut the darkness with his sword, he said to me "Shahra, only one of us can make it out I don't want to see you fall again take the sword and take my place!" I cried and said "Izuku, I don't want to leave you!" as tears fall from my eyes he said to me "Shahra, I'm sorry." as he throw his sword and book to me and he disappear in to the darkness.

I knew that Izuku would not want me to cry he would have continued with the task that he was given form because he gave me a life that I never had I will save him no matter what I continued running to the base when I arrived it looks like I was in a city when the city was transported to a beautiful yet it was filled with dangerous creatures I see the city looking like it was what looks to be like a fish's teeth.

I said to the book "Izuku, let me your power." I open the book "Lamp Do Alangina." I put the book in the last slot of the belt where the electronic music I pulled the sword out and it said and I said "Henshin" "Unsheathe the Lighting, Lamp Do Alangina! Ikazuchi: one volume, When the Djinn from the Lamp and Ikazuchi, the sword of Lighting unite, the amber blade shall shine with radiant splender!" I wanted to finish this quick because I needed to find the other Sword of Logos.

I put the sword back in the belt and pulled the trigger it said "Final page! Unsheathe the Lighting, Alangina one Volume slash, Thunder!" as I pulled the sword out and slashed aright through him then I saw two figures with one of them having a dragon themed armour and the other having a bug themed armour, then I thought that they maybe here to arrest me or there part of U.A.

Ether way I needed escape and I proceeded to attack them with the power of my lighting they blocked the attack and the dragon amour said while the sword clashed "Where did you get Raimeiken Ikazuchi?" I surprised the they know about the sword my friend gave me thats when I realized they are not my enemy they are my friends I lowered my sword and  said "Sorry, I thought that you where an enemy." he said to me "Don't worries you didn't know but we should go back you should come with us." I nodded.

We went to what looks to be a library and de transformed and they did the same I was shocked that the one that was in the dragon armour looked like Izuku then they ask me "where did you get Raimeiken Ikazuchi?" I replied saying "I got this sword form Izuku that got kidnaped while going to this world he gave it in the last minute." they looked confused and said "But I am here how does that make sense?" I replied again saying "Not you but a different world Izuku, and also can I stay here for a bit? because I don't have a place to stay yet." 

It was at night I looked out in the night sky from my room I said to myself "I hope that Izuku is doing okay." 

To Be Continued

Note:This is a crossover with a another story if you want to check it out at @Charimort

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