“Um, how do we get out of here Amy?” Grey asked as they were now alone in the dark room. Smiling with relief and joy that it was finally over, Amy said, “I don’t really know, but I have a feeling. Something tells me all it’ll take is for you to will it to happen. This is a kind of dream within your own mind. Just wake up… wake up…wake up…” Wondering why she was saying it over and over, Grey suddenly realized that somehow his eyes were now closed. Slowly he opened them, finding himself lying outside on the ground, with his head in Amy’s lap. He could see Amy, Scott, and Alexander all smiling down at him. Smiling back, Grey weakly said, “Hey guys…” Giggling, Amy said, “See, he’s really back!” Grey slowly attempted to get up, but quickly realized his entire body badly ached. Scott, crouched beside him, quickly put a hand on his shoulder to hold him down, saying, “Whoa there buddy, just take it easy.” Also crouched beside him on the other side, Alexander laughed quietly and said, “It’s rather ironic. After everything that’s happened, Grey’s body will probably take the longest to heal out of anyone’s.” Over to the side Grey heard Serius, who stood leaning against a fragment of a stone crypt destroyed in the battle, say, “Now that you’ve shown the ability to use your Void Energy, you’ll need to learn some control over it.” As Alexander removed his shades to look at him properly, Grey could see a deeply relieved look in his eyes as he said, “We really thought we’d lost you there, Grey. Welcome back.” With a relieved look as well, Scott said, “Welcome back!” Beaming down at him, Amy also said, “Welcome back Grey.” All of them suddenly heard the whine of repulsion engines, as the Audentia sailed slowly over the ruined graveyard. Over the ship’s loudspeaker, Schmitt’s voice rang out, “Whoa boy, I saw some serious explosions from the ship! That musta been one hell of a battle, but it looks like everyone’s safe and sound! Let’s get y’all onboard! I’m betting it won’t be long before someone from Aerennis comes to check things out, now that this place ain’t blowing up no more!”
In the crew’s quarters aboard the Audentia, Grey laid upon a bed resting, Amy by his side. In the hold rested the air cycle Grey had used to escape Castrum, since Scott had said as they were leaving, “Why not take it with us? No sense throwing it away, it could come in handy.” On the bridge, Schmitt and Scott sat in their respective posts, Alexander sat in one of the passenger seats, and Serius stood looking out the right window. The four of them were just starting to discuss their next move. As he lifted his shades and rubbed his eyes, Alexander said, “Now that we have managed to bring Grey back, we need a place for all of us to recover. Grey especially is going to need quite a bit of rest.” Serius nodded, saying, “Yes. Without the Nameless One regulating the massive power Grey’s body had generated using his Void Energy, his reaction was devastating. It’s a miracle it did not kill him. Even more of a miracle is the fact that all of that EDE dispersed so quickly after he regained himself. It must have been held there by the Nameless One’s power as well. Once he has learned to harness his Void Energy on his own, he will need to train to learn how to control greater amounts of EDE and how to limit how much he generates.” Thinking a moment, Scott said, “Well, I know there’s some danger the Special Forces might come poking around since it’s so close to where we just fought that battle, but Aerennis would be a great place to take a breather I think. Pretty much all the residents still hold the Greyson family in the highest regard for all they did for the town. I’m sure they’d welcome Grey with open arms.” Alexander mulled this over, saying, “Perhaps…” Schmitt, turning around to look at Serius, asked, “So then… just who is the new guy here anyway Alexander? Ya gonna introduce us or what?” Scott, who’d been wondering as well, chimed in, “Yeah, I remember seeing him with you guys back in Celestis, but then he just disappeared after we met up in Abnoct, and now he just shows up in the middle of the battle.”
With a mischievous grin on his face, Alexander replied, “You probably won’t believe me even if I do tell you who he is, but very well. Schmitt, Scott, meet Serius the Unbound. Ever since using a dangerous ability to save Grey’s life one year ago, he’s been resting within me, recovering.” Schmitt laughed heartily, saying, “Oh boy, Alexander come on now, quit it with your jokes already. Who is he really?” Scott however recalled what Alexander had said before in Abnoct, thinking to himself, “I’m starting to get the feeling there’s something to his story. He mentioned this Serius character in Abnoct when he stormed out of the diner. Can it really be coincidence that he hasn’t aged a day since we met all those years ago? I met him when I was like five years old, yet here I am twenty! He hasn’t changed in fifteen years!” In an uncertain tone, Scott said, “Alexander, suppose I believe your story. What were you, a member of Angelorum Lux, doing watching over Grey all these years? I mean, I even heard that you were the one who brought Grey to the Greysons when he was just three years old. You also said Altera Veritas can’t break the seals completely without Grey. Just what is Grey, Alexander? A Sage like Amy?”

Legend of Mautau: Angelorum Lux
AdventureAn event 30 years ago has given rise to people with supernatural abilities on Teramis. Regulated by the Guild and Special Forces, they face oppression. Ancient forces stir, and an adventure begins... The first part of a shounen anime styled novel se...