Laughing, Douglas showed little concern as he said, “Not a bad trick kid, but if you think you’ve won anythin, you’ve got another thing comin!” Gathering EDE into a mass in his hand, he crystallized it into a black chakram with four blue curved blades evenly spaced around the edge of the weapon. Then as Douglas raised a hand at him, Scott heard the ice beneath him beginning to rumble. Moving aside just in time, he slipped on the ice and slid away as an icy spike burst out of the ice. Struggling to his feet as Douglas skated across the ice to him and struck out with his bladed chakram, Scott blocked with his staff over and over. Breaking apart from each other, as Douglas summoned up another spike, Scott somehow managed to keep his footing as he fled from ice spikes. Watching him flee, Douglas laughed and shouted “Incoming!” As Douglas hurled the chakram at him, glowing with a charge of EDE, Scott quickly retracted the whip back into a staff and knocked the deadly throwing weapon away as he continued to run. However Scott soon saw it was not that simple, as the chakram spun through the air almost as though it had a will of its own and started chasing after him.
Now fleeing from ice spikes and the chakram, Scott made a break straight for Douglas. The villain stood there calmly as Scott came at him, and after Scott got reasonably close he fired a lightning bolt from his hand at Douglas and prepared to strike with his staff. However Douglas quickly raised a hand and an ice wall rose up between him and Scott, effortlessly blocking the lightning bolt. Surprised, Scott struggled to stop on the slippery ice, and colliding with the wall of ice he fell back on his behind just as the chakram sailed over his head and sliced the wall in half. Scott scrambled out of the way on all fours as the top of the wall came crashing down at him, and grabbing hold of the chakram as it sailed back to him, Douglas let the broken pieces of the ice wall melt back into the frozen lake as he sighed and said, “You know kid, I think we’re done. This is just too pitiful. I’ve got better things to do.”
Starting to walk away, Douglas stopped as he suddenly sensed a great rise in Scott’s aura, and turning to look back at him, he muttered, “Holdin’ back even though you’re getting’ your ass kicked this hard?” As Scott stood up, his entire body seemed to crackle with electricity. Glaring at Douglas with lightning charged eyes, Scott said, “I didn’t want to risk it since I still don’t have much practice, but it’s the only trump card I’ve got! Time for you to feel my Thundering Wrath!” With a chuckle, Douglas said, “A new ability too eh? And you’ve even named it. Well, let’s have at it then!” Raising a hand to summon another ice spike, Douglas was quite surprised as Scott closed the distance with inhuman speed and struck with a powerful blow from his staff. Taking the hit straight in the face, Douglas sailed over the ice and skidded across it until he at last came to a halt. Getting up, as he wiped blood from his mouth, Douglas started laughing and said, “That was somethin else kid! What you’re doin is just plain nuts though! Actually removing your body’s limiters by stimulatin your nerves with electricity… Sure, it gives ya inhuman speed and reflexes and all that jazz, but it’s sure to be hard on your body, even if you only use it in brief intervals!”
Speeding forth, Scott struck him again with a lightning charged punch, and chasing after him as he went flying through the air, he continued to combo him with strike after strike, juggling him while airborne. Ending his combo with a final powerful strike, Scott sent him sailing across the ice again to land sprawled on his back, and as Douglas struggled up slowly, he said, “Looks like I’m gonna have to get serious as well…” Douglas returned his chakram to a mass of EDE again, and as it squirmed and molded itself into a new shape, he now held a sleek, long barreled rifle and was sporting high tech looking shoulder plates with repulsion generators in them, as well as a high tech looking visor. Also, floating around him were several small orb shaped devices. Taking off his shades, Douglas stuffed them in his pocket and lowered the visor over his eyes as he said, “Been awhile since I brought out my Furtim Bovis!”

Legend of Mautau: Angelorum Lux
AdventureAn event 30 years ago has given rise to people with supernatural abilities on Teramis. Regulated by the Guild and Special Forces, they face oppression. Ancient forces stir, and an adventure begins... The first part of a shounen anime styled novel se...