Ch 30: Shattering the Seal of Tears

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        Quickly getting to his feet, Alexander said, “Amy, please remain here with Schmitt and his family. If anything happens, protect them with your barrier. Everyone else, we’re going to go check this out!” As Grey rushed out with the others, Amy said, “Grey… Be careful!” With a grin and a thumbs up, Grey made his way out the door. The group rushed down the street towards the square, and along the way they heard a loud crashing noise, and screaming civilians began running past them from the direction of the square. Looking back at a fleeing villager, Grey said, “It sure as hell looks like something’s going on!” Looking over at Mythra, Alexander said to her, “Did you sense anything strange about that man Amy bumped into before?” With a sigh, Mythra shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I wasn’t really paying attention. Do you think he’s behind this?” With a confused look, Grey said, “That guy before? He acted a little strange now that you mention it, but he didn’t strike me as a bad guy…” Reaching the square, they quickly spotted the cause of the commotion. Rampaging through the square were two enormous black serpents. Staring at them, Grey formed his swords and exclaimed, “What the hell?! It’s more of those snake things from the Ruins of Nosus!” Forming her Elementum Orbis, Mythra said, “Those are definitely anomalies! Are they with Altera Veritas?!”

        Noticing their arrival as he drew his staff, Scott said, “Look, the Special Forces patrols!” Rushing onto the scene was a brigade of Special Forces troops, headed by Lieutenant Colonel Catherine Walker. Lieutenant Colonel Walker raised a hand as though to summon something upward, and from the ground burst thorny vines which quickly wrapped up around one of the serpents. As it struggled against its binds, Lieutenant Colonel Walker said, “Fifth Division, open fire!” The soldiers bearing the gun-like EDE weapons leveled them at the serpent and opened fire, while the rest of the soldiers capable of using energy attacks without a device gathered EDE and launched their attacks at it. As explosions riddled its body, the serpent roared as it squirmed against its binds. As the smoke cleared, it was apparent the serpent’s scales were too tough for the energy attacks to deal any damage. Breaking free, the serpent lunged at Lieutenant Colonel Walker.

        Jumping aside, Lieutenant Colonel Walker barely escaped certain death, yet the serpent quickly rose to strike again. Leaping into the air at the serpent, Grey chanted, “Ego Voco Vos, Ignis Acies!” His swords becoming white hot blades that crackled with fire, he landed atop the serpent’s head and drove his burning blades into it. With a shrill cry of pain, the creature slumped and fell to the ground as the Special Forces soldiers scrambled out of the way. Staring at Grey in surprise, Lieutenant Colonel Walker exclaimed, “You?! What in the world are you doing here?!” Drawing his swords from the serpents head and jumping off onto the ground, Grey muttered, “You’re welcome…” Suddenly, Lieutenant Colonel Walker shouted, “Behind you!” Grey’s eyes went wide and he quickly leaped aside as the second serpent swept its tail down with smashing power into the ground where he had been. As Grey got up, Lieutenant Colonel Walker smirked and said, “You’re welcome.” Shooting her a grin, Grey said, “Touché.”

        As the others rushed over to help Grey, Alexander shouted, “Distract its attention so Grey and I can get onto it!” Putting away his staff, Scott brought out his bow and began firing lightning arrows, and as Richter formed his pistol both rained their attacks down on the beast’s thick scales. Up in the air on her broom, Mythra fired a blast from her Elementum Orbis as well. Leaping up onto the serpent as it turned towards the others, Grey managed to get on its head, but then it noticed him and quickly threw him off. Raising an armored fist, Serius leveled it at the serpent as it turned towards Grey. Small holes formed in the armor on his arm as it began to vibrate, and as a sonic shockwave burst from the holes, he used telekinesis to focus it all at the serpent as the others continued their barrage. Alexander and Grey both leaped up, Alexander chanting, “Ego Voco Vos, Ignis Acies!” Grey landed upon the back of the serpent, and cut a long gash in its back, and Alexander landed firmly upon the head and quickly drove his blade deep into the beast’s brain. The serpent toppled to the ground, to the cheers of the Special Forces soldiers.

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