How Bryan Got Attacked Twice

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"Can you please tell me why the captain of the enemy team is staring at you?" Ari asked me.

"Why don't you tell me?" I rolled my eyes at her and brushed the loose strands of my black hair back.

"Oh my gawd! He's coming over here!" she exclaimed jumping up and down excitedly.

"Please stop," I groaned.

"Hey," he greeted as he finally approached us.

"Hey," I smiled politely.


"Bryan. Captain of your team. I know," I told him.

"Stalking me?" he smirked.

"No, I just like to know the competition," I replied smartly.

"Well, I'm sorry but I don't seem to know your names," he said sincerely.

"I'm Skylar and this is my friend Ariana," I introduced myself and Ari.

"Nice to meet you beautiful ladies," he winked at me, "Is there any way that I could get your number so that when we win this game I can take you out?"

"Well, my team happens to be leading by a good amount so that's not likely and my brother who happens to be the captain of this team will kick ass," I stated confidently.

"Let's be honest, Jace is okay but the strength of your team is really the quarterback. Dy-"

"Don't mention his name," I snapped subconsciously.

"History?" Bryan chuckled.

"Okay, you know what? Here's my number," I grabbed a paper and pen which Ari seemed to coincidentally have in her hand and wrote my number down, handing him the paper, "Only contact me for a date if you win today."

"Okay, babe. See you later," he smirked and ran off adding, "For our date."

"Too bad you're not going to win," I muttered under my breath. I was about to turn to face Ari when I was roughly pushed as someone passed me. I stubbled into Ari's arms and looked to see who the person was that pushed me. Dylan. He angrily made his way back to the field with the rest of the players.

"What's his problem?" Ari asked upset. She helped me to stand back up.

"What isn't his problem?" I shrugged trying to keep calm but deep down I knew I was hurt. His push affected me more than I'd like to imagine.

"What's going on between you two?" Ari looked curious.

"Nothing. He's my brother's enemy. Why would anything be going on?" I scoffed.

"You tell me, babe," she replied but before I could answer her, the whistle was blown which meant it was time for the second half of the game.

I returned my attention to the game just in time to see Dylan attack Bryan on the field. Bryan had the upper hand though and he used that to his advantage, pushing Dylan into the ground and punching him. His helmet fell off and Bryan got in a few good punches before the guys parted them and the coach called Dylan over.

"Alicia, get one of your cheerleaders to tend to this fool," Coach instructed the cheer captain.

"Skylar!" Alicia called. I was going to kill her.

"Uggh, yeah?" I answered.

"Go with him," she told me.

I looked at Dylan and groaned. I walked ahead of him leading the way to the boys' locker room. I marched in grabbing a few things that could help as he sat down on one of the benches.

"You're an idiot," I hissed annoyed.

"At least I'm not flirting with the competition," he scowled.

"Oh really? Is that what this is about?" I snapped.

"Think what you want."

"You have issues!" I yelled upset.

"Heard it all before," he grumbled.

"You pick a fight and you can't even win it," I added to upset him.

"I would have won if I hadn't let my emotions get the best of me," he confessed and then his eyes widened in shock.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked confused.

"Nothing," he said coldly.

"Whatever," I started cleaning up his bleeding nose.

"Ahh! That hurts like a bitch," he groaned.

"Serves you right."

"Coming from the traitor who is going on a date with a member of the other team," he snapped and I dropped everything I was doing and took a sharp turn, heading for the door. I was pulled back though and my back crashed against a locker as Dylan pushed himself up against me. I gasped at how close we were. I could feel his breath against my skin and our eyes made four. His lips were suddenly against mine in a swift movement and my eyes fluttered close.

"Dylan," his name fell out of my mouth in a soft whisper as he pulled away.

"I'm sorry. You don't want this. Sorry I took your first kiss," he apologized and ignoring the fact that he shouldn't have known whether or not it was my first kiss, I shook my head denying everything he said.

I pulled his face back down to mine and kissed him. I parted my lips and allowed his tongue to meet mine in a passionate kiss. His hands trailed down to my skirt and then my exposed skin and he raised my left leg high up on his thigh and traced circles on my outer thigh. His other hand played with the end of my shirt and I had both my hands in his hair. He bit my lip playfully and I could feel the smirk growing on my lips.

"We're supposed to be enemies but for some reason, I just can't seem to stay away," I confessed and then as the sensible part of my mind kicked in and I took in what happened, I backed away from him and then quickly left the locker room only to be stopped by Ari who knowingly smirked at me.

"That was not 'nothing," she told me, "Tell me everything."


Dylan, who had been telling coach to put him back on the field, was now shouting at him. The guys on the team were upset as they dragged themselves off the field. The cheerleaders were sulking on the sidelines along with the crowd. I was beyond shock. We had lost. We actually lost the game.

Bryan was walking over to me with an annoying smirk plastered on his lips. He cockily strode over to me, took my hand in his and bent to my level.

"I do believe you owe me a date," he told me, "I'll text you the details babe."

"You can't expect me to celebrate your winnings when my team has just lost a game. I'm loyal to my teammates," I snapped.

"That wasn't the deal babe and we're not going out to celebrate. Our date will be to get to know each other. It'll be about us," he explained, "So I'll text you?"

"Yeah sure," I shrugged not really listening, "Congratulations, I guess."

"It was all for you," he assured me.

Too bad I wasn't watching the game anymore because Dylan had long come off the field. I just reluctantly nodded and sighed inwardly, annoyed with how long he was taking to leave me alone to sulk with my squad.

"Well enjoy the rest of your night," I said dismissively.

"I would if you were with me," he winked.

And that was how and why Bryan got attacked twice in one night by the same guy. Dylan.

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