How We Ditched

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"Skye are you listening to me?" Ari snapped her fingers in front of me bringing my attention back to her.

"Yeah, you said James is an ass, continue," I replied even though I wasn't listening. It was two weeks since my fight with Dylan and Jace and I hadn't muttered one word to either of them. I didn't even dare to glance at Dylan's table much less him just like he asked.

I was basically just blending in with the school. We had lost the game two weeks ago as I predicted and there was another upcoming game this Friday, not that I cared really. Dylan might not have to speak to me but unfortunately I was forced to cheer for him. So basically he was still a part of my life.

I felt awful. I felt like I had let Dylan down and then the things he said really hurt me. I know he had to be really hurt to say it because typically he was a nice guy to me. His words really affected me because I've been out of touch with the world lately, and just been walking around school.

"Skye? Oh my gosh, would you focus?" Ari snapped her fingers before my eyes yet again. I sighed and tried to listen to her again.

"I'm sorry. I've been out of it for a while now. Continue," I insisted.

"I think you should talk to your brother," she blurted out.

"My brother is not the issue," I snapped.

"Then what is?" Ari asked. Her voice was pleading with me to tell her but I knew I couldn't.

"Don't worry about it. I'm okay. I'm gonna go to the nurse and see if I can convince her that I'm sick enough to get an early leave because my head is killing me," I informed her. It wasn't a lie. I had a headache from all the thinking I was doing lately but really I wanted to leave because in my next class Dylan sat right behind me and I couldn't bare that today.

"Let's just skip. I want to come, please? We could spend the rest of the day together. Mall then movie?" Ari sounded hopeful. I was already blocking her out way too often lately and so I had to agree.

"Yeah come on," I nodded and we got up just as James and Jace sat down. Ha! That would surely piss them off more.

"Wait!" Jace called but we ignored him and moved along moving pass a table I didn't dare to look at and out of the cafeteria.

"Hey, hey, hey! Hold up!" I heard the familiar voice of Thai call to us. We stopped and turned to face him, "How are you?"

"Great," Ari spoke for both of us.

"Where are you going, ma belle?" he narrowed his eyes on me.

"We're ditching. You coming or what?" I whispered.

"Wait let me get my brother!" he said excited.

"Yes, another wild rendezvous with the devil twins," I replied sarcastically.

"That's the spirit babe!" he smirked and ran off.

I continued walking through the hall and left through the school doors with Ariana. We headed towards my car and climbed in waiting a while. Not long after, the guys came out and went over to a car I assumed belonged to Theo because he had the keys. A phone call interrupted the silence in my car and I searched for my phone answering it on the third ring.


"Are you up for an adventure at my house?" Thai asked.

"Yeah, sure," I agreed, "I'll just follow you then."

"Well if you insist," he said and then hung up. I started the car and trailed behind them.

"Where are we going?" Ari spoke up.

"Never land," I joked and she slapped my hand.

"Answer," she whined.

"We are going to the hot French guys' house," I replied in a fake excited voice.

"Oh my gosh! Really?" Ari said with fake enthusiasm.

"Yes now be quiet," I warned.

The rest of the ride was silent and lasted for about twenty minutes until we finally slowed down in front of a mansion. It was rather beautiful. it looked more of a mini hotel with a pool, a tennis court, a basketball court and lots of open land space. The house was painted black and white and the exterior design was beautiful.

The inside was even better though, with fashionable decoration and the latest electronics. There was a huge staircase that Thai and Theo carried us up to what I figured was their game room. There were the latest games, a huge flat screen television and the most comfortable looking couch I had ever come across. They had a pool table and some other games I was unfamiliar with.

"Nice house," I complimented.

"We try," Theo replied with a grin.

"What? No gym? No spa?" Ari scoffed mockingly.

"Nope, I usually go next door to use Dylan's gym," Theo replied.

"What? You're kidding-"

"Dylan lives next door?" Ari and I spoke at the same time.

"No I'm not. Dylan has a gym and his mom keeps a mini spa thing for herself, I think," Theo answered Ari first and then turned to face me, "And yes, Dylan lives next door."

"Oh. Well let's play a game," I changed the topic quickly. I wasn't there to talk about Dylan Martin.

"I don't have Barbie games," Theo smirked causing Thai to burst into a fit of laughter.

"I have a brother. I would very much kick your ass like I do my brother all the time," I said challengingly, "Wanna bet?"

"No. I would like to remain undefeated so I won't test you. Let's watch a movie," Theo suggested.

"Wimp," I muttered.

"I'll get the popcorn!" Thai yelled and ran out of the room.

Theo selected Godzilla and set it up to watch. Thai later returned with snacks, popcorn and some drinks. He sat on the couch beside me and Theo started the movie. He dimmed the lights in the room and then sat on the couch with Ariana. We grew silent as we got lost in the movie and I soon found myself cuddling into Thai.


"Hey Theo! Why did you disappear today at school?" I heard a voice ask as the person burst into the room. I apparently had fallen asleep on someone during the movie. My eyes were still shut and my head pressed against a chest.

"Uggh...I had people to be with," he sleepily replied.

"Woah, what's going on here? You ditched school, found hot chicks and gave one to your brother? Who are these-" I heard the familiar voice stop mid-sentence.

I shot up, my eyes widening and waking Thai up in the process. My eyes, unfortunately, looked Dylan over and even though I got three seconds of heaven, the look on his face broke my heart. He looked so angry with me. Or was it Thai? It didn't matter. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 7:30. Jace would have a fit.

"When girls wake up next to me, that isn't their reaction," Thai teased.

"I'm sorry. I should go. I missed dinner without calling to warn my parents," I sighed and leaned over to shake Ari, waking her, "Come on, let's go Ari."

"Your parents or your brother?" Theo laughed.

"What's the difference? I am currently not speaking to him anyway so I don't owe him anything," I replied and gathered my stuff, getting up, "Thanks for the day guys."

"Yeah, it was fun. We should do this again," Ari suggested.

"Of course we will," Thai told us, "You're our favorite girls."

"Hey, why don't you stay for dinner?" Theo asked.

"I'd love to, maybe another time but I really have to go now," I answered and kissed both Theo and Thai on the cheek and hugged them, "Bye."

I left through the door behind Thai who was walking us out. I didn't glance a second time at Dylan because I was scared and he didn't want me to anyways. This encounter wasn't supposed to happen and I would make sure it didn't happen again.

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