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*2 years later* (pic of present Skylar above)

"Would you hurry up and move your slow arse? The guys brought home state championship and you're worrying about your heels?" I heard Theo complaining downstairs in the apartment Dylan and I shared together.

"Hey, I'm just as excited for Jace and Dylan as you are but they can hold up a bit. I don't want to fall on my face while celebrating," I warned and climbed down the stairs. I grabbed my purse and received the cheek kiss Theo gave me, "Now come on. My brother and boyfriend just brought home state championship and they need me."

"Jace doesn't need you. I'm sure he's happy with his wife and son," Theo joked.

"Hey! Alicia and baby Joshua aren't enough! He still loves me!" I protested as we got in the car. Theo drove off, "And besides, Josh is at his grandparents' house, so he'll have more time for me."

"Like you'll notice anybody but Dylan," Theo scoffed.

"I see too much of you. Why don't you go get hitched like your brother did two years ago?" I teased.

"You mean like yours did a couple months following Thai?" he threw back grinning.

"We've been to way too many weddings in the last two years," I frowned.

"Yeah, let's not forget James and Ari who got married just last week. It's like there's something in the air surrounding us and I pray to God I don't catch it," he grumbled, "If I see another white dress..."

"Mr. Grumpy, don't become a Grinch and hate weddings," I snorted.

"Bitch isn't a good color on you," Theo muttered.

"No. White is," I grinned and he scowled, "And I'm telling Dylan you called me a bitch."

"Don't," his eyes grew wide as he parked the car outside the club. I got out and walked ahead of him. I heard him running to catch up to me, "Ma belle, please."

"Endearments! Oh this gets interesting," I chuckled and Theo caught my hand stopping me clearly taking me serious. I rolled my eyes at him, "I won't. I was joking. Besides, I wouldn't want to upset Dylan on his day."

"Okay let's go," Theo told me and placed his hand lightly around my waist and led me towards the entrance.

"Name," the bodyguard at the door said. Before either Theo or I could speak though, someone beat us.

"Oh Skylar there you are!" it was the team's main coach, "Your boy was going crazy. Let them in!"

"Thank you," I smiled politely as the guard let us pass him. He nodded in my direction and Theo and I continued our walk with the coach.

"Your boys did the state well tonight," the coach continued, "Enjoy your night. Dylan is somewhere around here."

He parted ways with us then. I looked around the club searching for Dylan, mostly, and the rest of my friends and brother. I saw Jace first at the table with his wife Alicia and then I noticed Thai and his wife Amelia. I still couldn't find Dylan. Theo and I approached them.

"Congratulations Jace!" I hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you sis," he grinned happily and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah bro you kicked ass," Theo gave him a 'bro hug' after I stepped away.

"Hey Alicia, Thai, Amelia," I greeted them and placed my purse on the table.

"Well you did well without me Skye!" I heard a voice behind me which was too familiar, "You look hot babe!"

"Why are you here?" I turned around to face Ari and James, "Your honeymoon isn't over."

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