Season 3 ep 2

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I can't believe this Fiona is in a bad mood because she has to do a party where she used to work at and she doesn't want to do it but she can't not do it and that sucks for her but she is going to do it anyways

While everyone is at work you and Debbie are walking around the city doing nothing waiting for dinner time to go home and eat with the family

When you guys back get to the house you hear Fiona talking to v about losing 100 dollars at the working and this is just not what she wants

But lip got money off the rich kids

And someone is watching jimmy every move that he does so he can't do anything about his real life (that no one ever knows about)

Mandy and lips teacher are trying to get lip to go to collage and get things ready for that but you don't think he wants to go to collage and you tell him to do whatever he wants to do and not to make people tell him what they want him to do and he told you he doesn't know what to do and then he took you on a walk to get Mandy and then back to the Gallagher house

Frank is back home now and Debbie doesn't want to put up with me anymore so you and her made a weapon and she hits him with them

Ian is dealing with the fact that Mickey had came back to town and doesn't know if they are in a relationship or not but he doesn't want him to do anything to make him mad so he just lets everything happen that happens

Back at your house someone knocked on the door so you went and open it and it was some women "hello" said Tatum "is kev here" said the women "no but my mom is MOM" yelled Tatum and then she came over and talked to the women and found out that the women is your dads wife

Shelia and Jody are adjusting to the parent life of taking care of Karen's baby

And Debbie and you babysit the baby for her whenever you guys can

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