First Day

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(Left some music for you guys to listen to if you like)
Today's featured song is: Fallin' Apart, by Young Franco, Denzel Curry, and Pell.


You start at your new school today, and like a kindergartner on their first day, you were having a near nervous breakdown. Loads of thoughts were running through your head, both rational and irrational, though they were mostly the latter.

Will they think you're weird because you're human?

What if no-one likes you?

What if people think you're gross?

You were usually a pretty calm and rational guy, but boy were you freaking out. Luckily though, you soon were able to snap yourself out of it.

"Come on (Y/N), snap out of it. Nobody's ever thought you were gross, just interesting. At most you'll probably get a few questions from your new peers, calm the fuck down." you scolded yourself.

Taking a deep breath, you pick up your recently bought schoolbag off of the floor. It was basically empty save for a large binder and a few notebooks you may need for each class. You then put on some standard clothes (whatever outfit you like) since you haven't gotten your uniform yet.

Your parents sent the school your size, and you were informed that you would get it on arrival, but wouldn't have to wear it the first day because you didn't have anywhere to put the clothes you wore to school.

You grabbed your phone and set your GPS to the school, and debated whether to walk or take the train. Although you did wake up a good hour and a half early, you did realize the school wasn't far enough to justify using the train, so walking was naturally the better option.

You pop your earbuds in and start your playlist slightly bobbing your head to the beat of your favorite songs. You grabbed a granola bar and your keys and went out the door and down the stairs of your apartment building.

One 25 minute walk later...

You walk up the sidewalk to the very intimidating figure of a large grey building you now realize is where you'll be spending your last year of high school. As you walk through the doors, you're greeted by a tall mass of blue and grey.

A husky stood there in front of you, a very tall one at that. At 5'11 you were above average height yourself, but this guy was easily 6'3 or 6'4. If he didn't look so nice, you probably would've been intimidated.

"Hello, you're the new student, right?" he asks.

You were a little confused how he knew already. Had you been so important that the school had given you a tour guide already?

"Uh, y-yeah, that's me." you say.

"Whew, glad I got the right person this time. I've asked like five people the same thing..." the husky says, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Eh, happens to the best of us." you reply.

"Heh, yeah. Anyways, I'm Shoichi Urata, student council president and tour guide at your service." he says, bowing.

"Ah, well its nice to meet you Shoichi-san."

"Oh, you don't have to use the honorific. Makes me feel a little too official, just Shoichi is fine."

A little sigh of relief escapes your chest. At least this guy was chill.

Meanwhile in class 3-A
Yuuichi (our hero's POV)

"Jeez, everyone in this class is so nosy.." I mumbled to myself.

Since we found out a new student was coming to our class today, everyone's been hunched by the window trying to see who it is. I've heard it was a human from Shoichi, but I don't want to tell anyone else that. They may end up pressing their faces to the window to the point where it cracks, the poor window doesn't deserve that.

"Anyone see anything?" Jinichirou said, his voice a bit muffled.

"Nah, not yet." Three people said in unison.

It's like they've been starved for contact with the outside world. I mean, I'm curious too, but you don't see me foaming at the mouth because of the prospect of a different person.

"Do they usually do this when there's a new student?" Jun whispered to me.

"Yep, they did the same thing when you came too." I reply.

Before I knew it everyone was rushing back to their seats, and then in walked Shoichi. In tow was a human with (skin color) skin and (long/short/medium length; hair color) hair who must be the new guy, walked in laughing like old friends.

"Huh, must've hit it off already." I said internally.

Wouldn't surprise me, since Shoichi has such a calm and amicable aura it's pretty easy to feel calm around him. Their conversation ended with Shoichi fist-bumping the new guy and walking back out. He gave Jun and I a quick wave before doing so, though.

Immediately, everyone who was sitting down, sprang out of their seats and surrounded this poor guy and began bombarding him with questions. 

"Is it true that the government just gives you money?!" someone asked.

"Can you breathe fire?!"

"Did your race really create us?!"

Wait, did they?

(Your focus)

While you were being basically screamed at by like 14 people, the door opened again to reveal a rather shocked looking older deer wearing a tie.

The class looked mortified, you guessed they thought the teacher was going to rip them a new one for being out of their seats and crowding you, but he simply chuckled.

"Now class, I know we have a lot of questions for (Y/N), but those can wait. We have a lesson to get back to." He then turned to you.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Shima, it's nice to meet you! Let me grab your textbook." He reached behind his desk and pulled out a Japanese History textbook with your name on it in a small yellow sticky note, and hands it to you.

"Your seat is between Kobayashi and Michimiya, near the back."

He says as if you know who either of those people even are.

You scan the classroom quickly, and find the seat he was talking about, between a tall Shiba and a short, chubby Tiger. You walk back there and take your seat. You flash them both a smile and say "Hey." Before looking back up at the teacher, who seems to be talking about...Greek History? You decide not to question it.

(Yuuichi's POV, internally)

"Is it just me or is the new guy...cute? Wait what the hell am I thinking?!"

Well, that completes chapter 1. I'm sorry if it's a bit short and quick, I'm kind of tired right now, so I may not be at my best. I'm also trying to get back in the swing of writing because, well, 1 year hiatus. Anyways, if you have any questions or complaints, put them in the comments and I'll be *snooooooreeeee*

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