The Great Hangout Arc (2/3)

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As we left off, Jun had a panic attack while standing in a crowd and Yuuichi led him to a small sweet shop to calm him down. You (the reader) decided to chill with Keisuke while waiting for Shoichi instead of tagging along with Jun and Yuu. This action raised Keisuke's homie points (HP) to 1.5/5.

Today's featured song is: So Close by NOTD, Captain Cuts, and Georgia Ku.

(Also about honorifics, I ain't usin em. I don't feel like looking them up and worrying about getting them wrong, so we're just gonna do their names or nicknames, created by me, to keep it simple, ok?)

(Featured song)

(Featured song)

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Jun (HP: 2/5)

Keisuke (HP: 1

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Keisuke (HP: 1.5/5)

Shoichi (HP: 3/5)

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Shoichi (HP: 3/5)

Shoichi (HP: 3/5)

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Yuuichi (HP: 3.5/5)

"There you two are. Seriously, at least answer your phone." Shoichi said with a disappointed look on his face.

Yuuichi turns to look at the three of you, before someone else speaks.
"Hello Shoichi, Keisuke. Oh!" The girl, who you recognized as the Class Rep, turned her gaze to you, then waved.

A friend has appeared!

"Hi, (Y/N)!" She said, smiling.
"Hey, Ayako!" You said, waving back.

Now of course you readers may be wondering how you know Ayako. Well, since you came in on the weekends, sometimes (very rarely but sometimes) nobody else would be there, so since you were the only customer, Ayako would have you try any possible new additions, and asked you to give your thoughts. Thoughts turned into small talk, then that turned into actual conversation. Then BAM new friend.

"Ah Ayako, I didn't know you were working part time too." Shoichi said.
"Well sort of. My family owns this store, you see, so I help around the place when I can." She said with a warm smile.
"Would you guys like to try some samples too?" She asked, keeping the same warm smile.

You had already taken up her offer, and was already at the display case, while Shoichi and Keisuke looked at each other for a few seconds before joining everyone else.

"Well, I already know what I'm gonna get. Re-I mean Ayako, could you give me two of the sweets I've tried?" Yuuichi said.
Ayako's eyes widened a bit when she heard that.
"Oh my, that's a lot. Are you sure about this Yuuichi? Beyond me to try to decide what you can and can't do, but I'd imagine all that sugar wouldn't be good for an athlete." Ayako said, looking concerned.

Yuuichi simply chuckled.
"Don't worry about it, I'm not gonna eat all of them by myself. I'm taking some for my brother and my mother too." He said.

Awwww. That's wholesome.

Ayako nodded.
"Ahh I see. What a good son and brother you are. All right, would you like me to pack them inside a paper bag or a sweets box? The box costs extra, but it makes for a great gift." She said.

Yuuichi thought for a moment before coming to a decision.
"How about you pack these four in the bag and the rest in the box? That way I can eat mine without unpacking the box." He said.

"Ah yes, good choice. Just a second." Ayako says, while walking to the back. She comes out less than a minute later with a small paper bag and a box, containing the candy Yuu bought.

You had stopped trying the free samples because even if it was enticing, you guys were eating lunch later. So you hung out and just looked at the other things you might buy that weekend, while Jun is still pacing up and down the aisle. At least the 4 of you were the only customers, otherwise this would freak people out. Suddenly Yuuichi's voice caught you and Jun's attention.

"Jun, (Y/N), is there anything you guys want? I'll buy it for you." He said.

You shook your head no. Filling up on candy before an actual meal wasn't a good idea. Jun, on the other hand, might as well have had glitter in his eyes.

"Ah! R-Really?" He said, giddy as all hell.
Yuuichi nodded and you should've brought sunglasses, because Jun's face lit up even more.

Shoichi looked disappointed, again.
"Whaaaaat? Yuu, how come you don't make me the same offer?" He whined.

"You have money to buy your own sweets, stop being a mooch." Kei said.
"Shut up!" Sho snapped.

"How do you guys argue this much?" You said, looking at both of them.

"Seriously. Like do you two just go looking for a reason to squabble or does it come naturally to you?" Yuu said.

Ayako chuckled.
"Well I'm glad to see you're all as energetic outside of school as you are inside it." She said.

"I'm not. You're not the one who has to deal with them all day." Yuu says, exasperated.

"Yea, don't get me wrong they're awesome, it's just sometimes they need to chill out." You said, looking back at the, now blushing, Shoichi and Keisuke.

"Shut up."
"Shut it." They still spoke their iconic phrases, but with less irritation because of the compliment.

"Oh my, you two are more compatible than I thought." Ayako giggled.

...And thats the end of Part 2! Part 3 is also gonna be delayed as hell, and I'm sorry 2 was delayed. Part 3 is gonna be extra long! And now for today's rewards!

New friend: Ayako
Keisuke: +1 homie point
Shoichi: +1 homie point

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