Chapter 1. Introducing Skye..

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Hey there…. I’m writing this so people can look back and hopefully learn something from my mistake, sadly there will be no happy endings. My name is Skye that’s it, nobody really has last names anymore ( We don’t need them ). I’m 20 years old, oh and I’m one of the few free human’s still around. What I mean by that is the world has been taken over by Vampires, now I know that sounds cliche and stupid. But it’s life now and it sucks, Literally! I was only 8 when people started to change, but my father was completely mad. He knew something like this was going to happen, so he started to train me and my four older brothers how to stay alive and hunt the vampires. They’re all gone now tho, one main rule we hunters have is, that If you get bit. You either have to kill yourself or someone has to do it for you, ( Harsh I Know ). Have you ever watched that movie called Daybreakers, life is kind of like that now. Human’s are captured and sold to Vampires, who can either have them as a snack or a companion. My crew and I try to stay out of sight, we train everyday and we try to save any human we can. My crew consist’s of myself, my best friend Lyla and 5 boys. Jack, Dean, Tom, Ben and Jimmy. I’ve known Lyla my whole life she grew up in the flat next to mine, Jimmy and Ben where friends with one of my brothers. So I’ve known them for most of my life too, and now they think for some reason they need to protect me. I’m pretty sure my brother told them to keep an eye on me, Jack, Dean and Tom We found them at least 5 years ago.

I forgot to explain what happens with vamp’s, because yes they can willingly walk in the sun without burning. To change a human into a vampire, they must bite you on the neck. If they bite you anywhere else, they’re just feeding off you. Silver burn’s vampires, kinda like werewolves but different. It won’t kill them, there’s only a few way’s to kill them. Either with a bullet or and arrow through the heart, or you can do it the old fashion way and kill them with a wooden steak. Vampires eyes change colors, what you see on normal vamps are their real eye color ( Like green, brown, blue.. Ect ). Most of them do a good job at looking like humans, but when a vamp is in pain, hungry or in a fighting mode that’s when the color changes. Silver Eyes = Mean that they don’t drink human blood, mostly animal blood. White Eyes = Mean that they’re just Evil, they’re either going to kill you or change you. Purple Eyes = Mean they’ve bitten an innocent, probably trying to save their life. We don’t see many vamps with purple eye’s anymore, I guess they felt too bad about what they did and just did our job’s for us ( They killed themselves ). I don’t pity any of them tho, nobody should. We have a few dogs they are a big help when were on the hunt, plus they are great protectors. So if you’re human get a Dog!! Also never go out at night that’s how they’ll capture you and then nobody can save you. There’s been some strange activity happening with the vampires lately, there experimenting. They’re trying to mate with humans and create vampire/human hybrid things, but so far we don’t know of anyone who has survived through it. I don’t think the human body is strong enough to hold a monster baby, I think it’s just sick. All these vampires need to be taken out and fast, before everyone is gone. Okay now on to the actual story.

The little cabin the 7 of us had been living in for a few weeks, it started to become a problem. The boy’s were always arguing, and after a while we all started to get on each others nerve’s. I was sat down by a small pond by the cabin, I could hear Lyla calling my name but I didn’t move. We would normally be in town, collecting supplies. We always go in groups tho, but Ben had said that it was too dangerous because there were a lot of vamps out today. We’ve had to stay hidden for most of our lives, you’d think I’d be used to it now. ” Skye! ” Lyla shouted, I could hear her footsteps as she walked up behind me. ” Whats up? ” I sighed, ” Nothing, Tom just sent me to find you ” she smiled as she sat next to me. ” Are you okay Skye? “, I nodded.  ” I’m tired of hiding too, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do ” she smiled, I chuckled. ” Do you remember when we had that long talk a few years ago ” I asked her, she nodded ” The one where we promised to always be there for each other “. I nodded ” Do you think it will ever change “, she shook her head ” Hell No! If you jumped off a bridge, girl I’d be right behind you! “. I smiled, ” Best friends forever ” she cheered. ” Forever ” I sighed, out of nowhere one of the three dogs we had came running toward us. ” Tucker? What are you doing out here? ” I smiled scratching the golden retriever, ” He’s looking for you! ” Jimmy shouted. I looked at Lyla and rolled my eyes, she giggled. ” Come on you two, were going to town! ” he sighed,      ” What? ” I asked as I stood up and looked at him confused. He shrugged, ” Come on ” Lyla sighed as she followed Jimmy. I followed them both, ” Come on Tuck! ” I yelled at my dog.

We all walked into the cabin, ” It’s about time, It’s almost 4 pm. The sun will be setting soon ” Ben shouted, ” Chill dude, I didn’t think we were going out today ” I shouted back patting Scout and Moose on their heads. ” We need food, water and Dog food ” Dean exclaimed, I nodded ” So, Groups? “. They all nodded, ” Tom, Jimmy. You’ll go with Skye! ” Ben stated.   ” Alright, were are we going ” Tom asked, ” Food shopping ” Jack sighed. The three of us nodded, ” We’ll take Moose, the other two stay here ” Ben sighed. ” What? ” I shouted, Ben sighed ” If you take a dog into a supermarket, you know they’ll think somethings up “. I nodded ” Fine! “, we gathered all our equipment. ” Now we’re only going for supplies, not to go on a killing spree ” Dean stated staring at me, ” Alright! I won’t kill anyone, unless they try to kill us ” I spat. He sighed, we all went our separate ways after I hugged Lyla. It was going to be a long night and I wasn’t ready for what was about to happen.


So, yeah! Here's the Next Story I have for you(= I Hope you Enjoy and Thank You for Reading <3

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