Chapter 21. Life of the Party

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When we got back to the house I ignored everyone and went straight up to my room, not because I was angry or upset. I just wanted to be alone and get ready, since it was already 6 pm ( Where does the time go? ) I was shifting through my wardrobe trying to figure out what to wear to the party, my door opened up slowly and it was Finn. ” Are you Okay? ” he asked me, I nodded ” Fine “. ” So Jack told me you were planning on drinking tonight, is that true? ” he smirked, I smiled ” Yeah, Why? “. He shook his head, ” I think it’s great! Have some fun, just not too much. If you know what I mean ” he winked at me. I rolled my eyes, ” Oh, please! ” I exclaimed. He chuckled and walked out of my room, I walked over to my window and opened it a bit. The cool air felt good, I stood looking over the edge for a few minutes before returning to my wardrobe. After 10 minutes I finally picked out a Fox print pleat skater dress, black block heel ankle boots, and a orange leggings. I placed the clothes on my bed, Axel was lying in his bed wagging his tail at me. I bent over and patted him on his head, ” Hey Boy ” I smiled. I stood up and walked into the bathroom, I jumped in the shower. When I was finished I walked back into my room in only a towel, Jack was sitting on my bed. ” Nice Towel! ” he smirked, ” Why are you in here? ” I exclaimed trying to cover myself. He smiled ” I just wanted to let you know, we’re leaving in a hour “, I nodded ” Now get out! “. He chuckled and stood up, ” Next time, don’t forget to lock this door. Especially if you don’t want me in here ” he smirked. I rolled my eyes, Jack left smiling like an idiot.

After he had left I walked back into the bathroom and did my hair in a simple Messy bun, I only applied a tiny bit of mascara and red lipstick. I walked into my room and changed into the outfit I chose, ” Come on Axel, Let’s go see if Christi can watch you until I get back ” I smiled opening the door for him. Axel followed me down the stairs, Christi sat on the sofa in the lounge. She smiled when she saw me, ” Hey Christi, can you watch this boy while I’m gone? ” I asked her. She nodded ” Of Course, I love this little rascal! And by the way you look great “, I smiled ” Thank You “. She nodded and picked up Axel and hugged him, I sat down next to her. ” So are you excited? ” she questioned, I shrugged ” I guess “. Finally the twins walked into the lounge and smiled at me, ” What are those things on your dress? ” Jack asked me ” Fox’s ” I said standing up, ” And Finn, please don’t make a stupid joke about it ” I sighed. He smirked   ” What like, You’re looking Foxy! “, I rolled my eyes. ” Come on, Let’s go! ” Jack exclaimed, I waved to Christi and then followed them out front to the taxi. The three of us packed into the back of it, awkwardly I was in the middle. ” So are you ready? ” Finn asked me, ” Yeah ” I smiled. ” Well these are our people, so you might want to stay close ” Jack sighed, I rolled my eyes. ” I’ve told you before, I’m not afraid ” I exclaimed, ” I know, you’re a stronger than most human’s. I just want to make sure you’ll be safe ” Jack smiled as he looked out the window, I sighed ” Alright, I’ll stay close “. ” Thank You ” Jack nodded, ” AW! ” Finn exclaimed. Jack and I shook our heads laughing, I was hoping the night wouldn’t end in another argument.

It didn’t take us long to get to Dan’s flat, it was like Jack and Finn’s place. I looked out one of the windows at a huge mansion, there were a lot of people walking up the steps to the house. ” So is everyone… You know ” I asked them, they smiled. ” Obviously ” Jack mumbled, ” There aren’t many human’s just walking through party’s now ” Finn Chuckled. I nodded as the taxi stopped, Finn paid as Jack and I got out. ” Don’t be nervous ” Jack whispered, I rolled my eyes. ” Oh, please… Let’s party ” I exclaimed, Finn walked up behind us laughing. We walked into the house and went straight for the drinks, ” Hey guy’s ” Dan smiled. ” Hey ” Finn exclaimed, I stayed quiet and just stood behind Jack. ” Hey Skye ” he smirked, I only waved at him because he kinda scared me. ” I hope you three have a nice time ” he smiled before walking away, Jack glared at me. ” I don’t like the way he looks at you, like a fucking piece of meat ” Jack spat, ” What? ” I questioned. ” I want you to stay away from him, he’s a charmer and know’s what girls want in guys but he only acts this way when he wants something from them ” he stated, I looked at him confused. ” Really? Because that’s what he said about the two of you idiots! ” I shouted, I really hated it when Jack ordered me around. He looked at me strangely before I stormed off to the nearest bathroom, I sat down on the edge of the bathtub.       ” Don’t Cry, Don’t Cry ” I whispered to myself, I knew Jack was only watching out for me but why did he have to be so mean about it. I took a deep breath before walking back out into the party, Rude by Don’t Kill The Magic was playing. I grabbed another drink, weirdly Jack and Finn were nowhere in sight. I chugged a few shot’s and then grabbed a cup of Vodka and Coke. I ran into Alfie who I talked to for a few minutes, until I found Finn sitting in the lounge. I sat down next to him, ” Hey girl, are you having fun? ” he smiled. I shrugged, ” Where’s Jack? ” I asked him. He pointed across the room where Jack was Obviously hitting on a girl, ” Typical Jack, he’s just trying to piss you off ” he sighed. I nodded ” I don’t care, two can play at that game “, he stared at me ” Skye don’t “. I shook my head, ” Chill, i’m not going to do anything with anyone. I’m just gonna be the Life of the Party! ” I exclaimed. ” Skye… ” Finn sighed, I stood up and walked back to the kitchen where the drinks were. I took shot after shot, drink after drink. I wanted to forget about what I was trying to do, or where I was. Who I was with and The feelings I felt for him, that’s what happened. I blacked out, the last thing I remembered was being yelled at by Jack. Nothing new there.


So this Chapter was Named after the Song Life of the Party by Shawn Mendes, I absolutely Love it and I think everyone should check it out. I Really Hope you Enjoyed and Thank You so Much for Reading <3

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