Chapter 43. Fear Itself

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( Skye’s P.O.V )

It’s been at least 3 day’s since the incident, at least that’s what I’ve been told. I’ve some what come out of the ” Shock ” I was in, but I still haven’t said a word to anyone. One reason why is because I started to have terrifying dreams….. about Dan. The only thing that keeps replaying in my head is something he said that night, ” If in the future I ever wanted more of your blood, you will be seeing me again “. I don’t want to see him again, this whole thing really messed with my mind. Normally I’m not afraid of anything, but now I am. I was sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor in the middle of the day, surrounded by different kinds of books. Most of them where books that I had already read, but every morning there was always a new one sitting on my bed. I knew I couldn’t sleep, not with the dreams I was having. And what made it worse, was that everyone thinks it was just some random person that bit me. I just can’t get the words out to tell them who it was, and it’s killing me. There was a quiet knock on the door, I knew it was Christi. She was used to me not answering, ” Skye, did you get any sleep last night? ” she questioned. I shook my head no, she sighed and sat down in one of the chairs that was in my room. ” Do you mind if I look at your arm? They sent me up to check on it ” she stated, I nodded and stood up. And sat on my bed, then held my arm out to her. She started to unwrap it, ” Does it hurt anymore? ” she asked. I shook my head, she let out a deep sigh. ” It’s already healed, you’ll just have these little scars ” she stated, I only nodded. I didn’t know what else to do, she then gave me a small smile. And then she left the room, I stood up and put my ear to the door. I could hear everyone talking downstairs ( I just did what I always do, I listened ), they were very loud. ” Is she any better? ” Jack asked, ” No, I don’t think she’s going to go back to normal ” Christi exclaimed. ” And how’s the bite? ” Jack questioned, she paused for a second. ” It’s healed, but there’s some scaring ” Christi sighed, ” What does that mean exactly? ” I heard Caspar ask. ” I don’t know ” Jack sighed, ” Well we’ve got to do something, I hate seeing her like this! ” Christi exclaimed. ” And you think I like seeing her like this for fucks sake, she won’t talk to me… to anyone and it’s killing me ” Jack exclaimed, ” Everyone just calm down, we’ll figure this out ” Finn sighed. I stepped away from the door and got in bed, I didn’t know what to do now. I felt like I was falling deeper and deeper into a black hole, but how could I recover from this.

Around 5:20 pm Jess brought dinner up to my room, yeah I may not be talking but I was still eating. I never thought that anyone in this house would slip me something that would knock me out, but how would they’ve known I was having these nightmares. They only wanted me to get some sleep, I guess they thought it would help. It was around 7: 30 pm when I started to fall asleep, I had no choice too. * I sat straight up in bed, something wasn’t right. I looked around, I was still in my room. I stood up and walked out into the corridor, I couldn’t hear anyone. I walked downstairs, Jack, Finn and Christi were all sitting on the sofa. They didn’t say anything to me, I don’t even think they noticed me. I stood there trying to get their attention, but no use. ” Give it up. They can’t see you, they can’t hear you. It’s like you don’t even exist ” Dan smirked from the shadows, ” Why can’t you just leave me alone ” I sighed. He shrugged ” Because, I don’t want to “, I turned my back to him and quickly walked upstairs. ” You can’t just walk away from me ” he exclaimed, I didn’t say anything. I slammed the door behind me, I looked down at my arm. It looked worse than ever, almost like it was infected.” You can’t ever escape this ” Dan laughed, ( This was what he wanted, he wanted me to be terrified of him ). ” I’m very happy you haven’t told them it was me, I thought you’d crack right away ” he chuckled, I held in the tears but I couldn’t cry. ” You’ll be the reason they die and then you will be mine! ” he exclaimed, ” Shut up! ” I shouted. I heard him chuckle from the corridor, then all of a sudden the bathroom door opened. ” I’m everywhere ” Dan grinned evilly, there was no where to go *. I woke up in a cold sweat, Axel was laying next to me ( As Always ), I was breathing heavy and I was very confused. I hated this feeling, the only thing I could think about was that Dan was coming for me tonight and I had to protect myself. I stood up and locked my bedroom door and then locked myself in the bathroom, I was about to break ( Well something like that ). I paced around the bathroom, my mind was running ragid. I stared at myself in the mirror, ( Could Dan be right? Could I be the reason someone I care about might be in danger? Is it true that he’s never gonna leave me alone? I couldn’t handle this anymore, ( Because right now I couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not ).

The longer I looked at myself, the more I started to just hate myself. In all the hurt ( Yes, I remember the girl Jack was with the night I got bit ) and in all the anger I was feeling, it was just built up for this moment. With my fist’s balled, I punched the mirror. Not just once, but until it shattered. I didn’t hold back, I had tears running down my face, but I could care less. I knew that if there was anyone in the house, they probably all heard it. My fist was bleeding and to make it even worse, I grabbed a piece of the broken mirror. I was certain that Dan was going to pay me a visit and I was prepared to do anything, I sat in the corner of the room in complete fear. I could hear Jack, Finn, Christi.. Ect Yelling from the corridor at me. But I didn’t move, the clothes I was in, Were now covered in blood from my knuckles and from my hand, because I was grasping the piece of mirror tightly. Once everyone busted into my room, I knew they’d be able to get into the bathroom soon enough. ” Skye! ” Jack shouted, ” We know you’re in there! “. ” What if she’s not conscious? ” Finn exclaimed, ” Shut up Finn! ” Christi shouted. I could hear everyone shouting at each other, but in my mind it sounded more like whispers. After a few minutes the door finally was forced open, everyone looked around in shock. Sure there was blood on the wall where the mirror was, on the sink, all over the floor. And then there was me with a bloody hand and bloody clothes, huddled in the corner like a frightened animal. Jack slowly walked into the bathroom, he noticed the broken piece of mirror in my hand.         ” Skye, What are you doing? ” he whispered ( Typical Jack ), I still didn’t move. Once he reached me, he bent down in front of me. ” Nobody’s here to hurt you, is that what your afraid of? ” he asked, I gave a single nod. ” Do you think the person that bit you will be coming back? ” he sighed, I shook my head. ” I don’t think, I know he’s coming back ” I whispered, he stared at me confused. ” Skye just tell me who it is, you know we won’t let anyone get you ” he whispered, ” It’s too late ” I sighed as I gripped the mirror piece tighter. ” Please stop ” Jack sighed, ” Please just drop that, let’s talk about this “. I looked at him for a few seconds, before dropping the piece of mirror to the floor. He scooped me up in a hug, he was wearing a white t-shirt which was now stained with the blood from my hand. ” I’m sorry, I’m so sorry ” I cried, he didn’t say anything. He just continued to hug me, ” Tell me who bit me ” he sighed. I finally had enough courage to tell him, ” Dan! It was Dan ” I whispered. He took in a deep breath and then helped me off of the floor, ” Let’s take care your hand, okay ” he stated. I nodded and followed him out of the bathroom, ” Christi, can you go grab the first air kit and bring it to my room ” Jack asked her. She nodded and quickly left the room, ” Axel, come on boy. We’re sleeping in my room tonight ” Jack called. I followed him to his room ( With Axel following behind ), When we got into his room he told me to sit on his bed. ” But my clothes are all dirty ” I stated, ” I don’t care ” he sighed grabbing a couple of wash clothe’s. He sat down in front of me and started to clean the blood off of my hand and knuckles. 

It was quiet for a few minutes, ” Why’d you do this? ” he questioned. I shrugged, ” Ever since the incident happened, I’ve been having these terrifying nightmares. I know he’s going to come after me again and I felt like I had to protect myself ” I sighed. He looked down, ” But you have us to protect you ” he exclaimed. ” But I shouldn’t have to depend on you for everything, plus I was afraid. If I told anyone, what if he would try to kill one of you ” I whispered, he chuckled    ” I’m not afraid of him! “. I nodded ” I know “, Christi walked into the room with the first aid kit and some clean clothes for me. ” Is everything alright? ” she asked, Jack nodded ” Yeah, a couple of cuts. Nothing too serious, no stiches will be needed “. She nodded, ” Alright, I’ll clean up the bathroom tomorrow ” she sighed. Jack nodded, ” Okay ” he sighed as he wrapped up my arm in bandages. She nodded and quicly left, ” Do you think you’ll be able to sleep better now that you’ve told me ” he asked. I shrugged ” I hope so “, after he was finished I walked into his bathroom to change my clothes. I walked back into his room, Axel was already asleep in the middle of his bed. I laid down next to him, I ended up falling staight to sleep. I don’t know if it was because I had finally told someone or because I was with Jack, but I didn’t have any nightmares that night. Maybe those were over, but the drama was just beginning.

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