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Chapter 1: The Strangest Stranger

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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

The irritating clearing of a throat led me to sigh in frustration before closing my book and casting a quick glance at the digital clock on the register. Four minutes until closing. Frowning, I looked up to see the patron who'd dared to walk in just before I closed up shop. At the sight of the figure standing before me, I let out an involuntary noise of surprise.

The person was a man. I could tell that much by his height and build, but the loose black trench coat he wore over top a dark suit coupled with the old-fashioned hat pulled down far enough that it covered the entire upper half of his face meant that most of his features weren't visible to me.

"I... umm... what can I get for you?"

When the man just continued to stare at me from the shadowed recesses of his hat, I carefully slipped my book into the pocket of my apron, then wiped my sweaty palms on the fabric. Was this what I got for reading Poe instead of The Alpha's Beta tonight? Creepy men in black clothing visiting the coffee shop instead of charming, sexy types?

Fighting off my frown and trying to tramp down my growing sense of unease, I spoke. "Sir, if you don't mind, it's late and—"

"I require no merchandise or goods from you." His voice was raspy, the air sounding as if it was trying to work its way through wizened vocal cords. As I watched his Adam's apple move with his speaking, my mind suddenly imagined the guy's throat half rotted, and I got the overwhelming sense that I was staring at a talking corpse.

Fuck. I'd really been reading too much Poe.

The guy wasn't dead, but I was still unnerved enough that my hand dipped into my other apron pocket where I had my cell phone stashed as the man pressed on. "My name is Jim Smith. I am an agent of the local constabulary. We've had reports of... odd occurrences near here. Have you seen anything abnormal?"

Fuck yeah. The odd occurrence was standing right in front of me.

Instead of speaking the thoughts in my head, I offered my sweetest PR smile. "Uh... nothing strange. Just getting ready to close up, in fact."

I'd hoped the dude would take the subtle hint for him to get his ass out of my coffee shop, and I watched his pale lips form a line of worry before he spoke. "I see. Nothing out of the ordinary, then?"

There sure fucking was, and the out of the ordinary thing wouldn't just leave.


He nodded, and I flinched as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a crisp white business card, which he placed delicately on the counter before me. I allowed my eyes a few brief seconds to flick to the card. There in a plain script was written the name "Jim Smith" followed by an email address and a phone number. That was it. No company name, no additional details. Just a number and email in a creepily normal black font.

I looked back at the figure who inclined his head in acknowledgment of my gaze. "If you encounter anything unusual, anything at all, call me, Miss Charlotte."

I took a step back and narrowed my gaze at him. "How do you know my name?"

The man gave me another brief and unnerving smile as he waved his hand in my direction. "It's on your name tag. Now, if you don't mind, I'll take my leave. Good evening to you."

"Oh..." As I trailed off, the odd stranger then turned and quickly strode out of the coffee shop, his long legs giving me the impression that he was some kind of nocturnal insect scurrying off into the darkness. Once the bell over the door had safely chimed, signaling the door closing behind him, I left my place behind the counter and veritably ran to lock the door. With shaking hands, I turned the 'Open' sign to 'Closed' as I fought to still my pounding heart and shake off the sense of foreboding which had settled over me.

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