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Author's POV

The two were staring at each other in shock.

"MingMing?" Luhan said unsure


"It's nice to finally see you!" Luhan, surprisingly, attacked Daoming with a hug "it's been 10 years.."

Daoming froze but slowly wrapped her arms around him too

"I agree.. 10 years, too long"

After a while, he finally pulled away. Luhan looked at her and felt his heart beat quicken.

'No.. I can't have feelings for her..'

He smiled and distanced a bit.

"You look beautiful, Ming" He complimented, causing her to blush

"You don't look too bad yourself" She smiled.
They were suddenly silent.. no one could think of what to say.

"Uh.. have you eaten?" Luhan broke the silence

"Not yet.."

"Really?" Luhan looked at her wide eyed "C'mon, let's go to a cafe"

"Do you know one?" She asked

"Of course" He grinned "Shall we go Ms. Kuo?"

"Yes, we shall Mr. Lu" She chuckled at him

The two chatted as they walk to the said cafe.

"Oh gosh" Daoming laughed "remember the time when you were late and made a ridiculous excuse to the teacher"

"That was embarrassing" He chuckled

"I distinctly remember you saying 'I'm sorry sir, I was late because.. uh.." She put on a flustered face, imitating him "uh..uh.. I was fighting some thugs!"

Luhan blushed remembering it.

"So funny" Daoming was practically crying from laughing until she stopped walking.

"You done?" Luhan asked staring at her, amused.

"Definitely" She grinned at him, making her look younger.

"You're still obnoxious" Luhan snorted but then fell down

"And you're still clumsy" She smirked helping him up

"Stop hurting my pride, will you" He said 'angrily'

"Then stop questioning my femininity" She stuck my tongue at him. He kept telling her that she finally look more like a girl now.

"Hmmm" He acted like he was thinking "nah.."

"I wish you'll fall again" Daoming huffed

After a couple more minutes, they finally arrived at the cafe

"Wah! it's so nice in here"

The two entered a garden-like cafe. The atmosphere was nice, cozy and just comfortable.
Luhan rushed to pull out a seat for Damoning next to the window. The great thing about the cafe was that they have glass for walls so you can view the beautiful flowers outside.

"Wah, mom would've love to see those" She said gazing at the flowers

"How is ma? Has she been doing alright?"

Daoming tensed a bit and looked at Luhan sadly

"Ma...passed away 3 years ago"

Luhan looked at her shocked
"W-What?" He, himself, couldn't believe it "why?"

Luhan, We Got Married! (EXO Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now