chapter one

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Baileys POV
Tuesday 7:45am
TW: cursing

"Wake up!" Jane says, shaking your body. You jolt awake, looking around in a panic.

"What the hell?" you say. She motions toward her wrist, tapping it. You pick up your phone to check the time.

"Shit!" you exclaim. You had your class in fifteen minutes, and you'd slept through your alarm .

"Bay calm down. I got you a nice outfit put together and I made you breakfast to-go".

"What would I do without you?" You ask Jane.

"I really don't know" she giggled. You hurried over to the nice outfit she picked out for you, walking over to the bathroom. You put on the out fit she gave you.
You looked good to be honest. You were wearing a big brown sweaters, with a brown plaid skirt, tights on under. You paired it with your white sneakers.

You pulled your hair back with a white ribbon. You hurried out, grabbing the bagel that was sitting on the counter.

"Thank you so much" you tell her.

"Of course" she smiles. She tosses you the car keys, motioning towards the door.

"Now go before your late for class." She says. You grab your bag before hurrying out of your shared one bedroom apartment.

You and Jane had been friends for years. You guys meet each other in 4th grade, and been inseparable ever since. You wanted to go to college to be a author, and she wanted to be a actor. You both thought it would be easier to share a apartment for now, or at least till either one of you get on your own feet.

You hopped into your car, pulling out to the college.

20 minutes later.

Shit! I'm seriously late now.
You parked in your usual spot, hurrying to the large building. You were now 10 minutes late to class, hurrying through the empty halls.
You thankfully only had one class today, which was your favorite, literature.

You walk to the big, brown door with a name tag on it.

Nathan Gardner.

You pull open the door, entering as quietly as possible. Seeing no one noticed, you slowly creep up the stairs. Thinking you were safe, you hear a throat clear.

"Ms. Bates" Mr. Gardner says. "Your late."

You turn around to meet his eyes.

damn he really knows how to take your breath away.

He was wearing a dark blue button up, tucked into a pair of black slacks. His sleeves are folded up, showing off his toned arms. Can't forget that damn hair. His hair was slicked back, a few pieces fallen out of place, his grays just making him 10x sexier.

"I'm sorry Im late." You say, continuing your way to your seat.

"Since it's your first time, I'll let you off with a warning" he says, trying to smile but smirks instead.

You never always found your teacher attractive. You only focused on school and that was it, but there was something about him that started this spark in you. Pulling out your iPad, you start writing today's date.

"As I was saying, the next unit we will be doing is about Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is a beautifully captured story about love, death, sacrifice, and war. For the project we will read the book, and then write our own version of it, our own story."

You write down the main essentials and ideas, shuffling coming from the front of the classroom.

"Now, everyone take a book and we will talk about the first few chapters we'll read" he states. Everyone walks down to the front of the room, grabbing a book. You walked back to your chair, setting your book next to you.

"So since we have this class every Tuesday and Thursday, I want you too read the first 5 chapters of the book by next class." He announces. Some of the kids groan, rolling there eyes.

If they don't like this class so much than why enroll for this one?

"It's not that much reading if you actually do it." He says. He moves back to his swivel chair.

"Thursday we will talk about what we have read so far, and start brainstorming ideas for your own novels." He looks at all the students, stopping at you for a little longer then the others before clearing his throat. "Class dismissed".

Everyone quickly hurried out of the classroom, probably to there next class or to hang out with friends, but not you. You wanted to go over your work with Mr. Gardner, because you liked a second pair of eyes.

"Mr. Gardner?" You asked.

"Yes Bailey?" He says.

It's so hot when he says my name.

"I was wondering if you'd like to look over the work I already got done." You say. He smiles, motioning you over to the chair next to him.

"Ok let's get started"...

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