Change of plans👑

36 3 1

Khalid - Shot down
RY X - Howling

"A thousand moments that I had just taken for granted, mostly because I had assumed that there would be a thousand more ." - Second Chance Summer

Arabella's POV

"May I get you anything else while you wait?" Asked the waitress. I read her name tag before answering with a soft smile. "No,thank you Christine. I'm fine with the coffee." Christine walked away smiling. She seemed like a nice young lady.

I stirred the coffee a bit before bringing it to my lips. "Ah..." I sighed, I really needed it after last night or this morning I just couldn't sleep. Ever since my parents died I could not get a full nights rest.

I looked at my wrist watch and realized that my brother is 15 minutes late. He knows that it is dangerous for me to be this close to pack boarders, especially the Royal pack boarders since I'm a rouge.

This isn't where we usually meet up,we'd usually meet  at our godmothers house whenever we can really. Since he is the pack Gamma he works a lot but he makes time for family, I knew that he held resentment towards what happened to our parents which is why I begged him to join the pack so that he could move forward.

"Liam, its a great chance for you. I know that you will love it there." I pleaded. Its been two years since our parents died and he's still putting his life on hold because of that stupid promise. "You're 19 for crying out loud, this will be a great opportunity for you to get out there,train with other wolves and who knows you might meet your mate..." I said hoping he would bite.

"I'll go if you come with me,I'm not leaving you." He said. "No, you are going to go alone. I'm staying with Aunt Kassidy, she could help me with stuff that you can't help me with." I said with a huff in my voice. It was a lie, we both knew that I gave up practicing magic when our parents passed.

"She can come too, I'm not leaving you behind!" He yelled at me. "No we are not, you know that the pack won't agree. William you are wasting away being here. You are going and that's final. Either you pack on your own or you will leave without you things."

I said with determination. I wiped away the tear that had slides down my face. "This isn't what they wanted from us and you know it. You leave in four days." I said to him before walking out of his room.

I knew that he would find happiness there which he did, he meet his mate shortly after. Her names Stacey, she's a sweet person and a teacher. They have been together for seven years. As I was drinking my coffee I hear the restaurant door open and smell six  wolves walk in.

I try to cover my scent but since I'm tired its impossible to do so it won't be much help nor are my powers. Damn it. I grab my phone and head on over to the bathroom. I walk into one of the stalls and close the door. I call my brother but his phone goes to voicemail. I call him several times more but still no responds.

I send him a text this time in hopes that he gets to read it before its too late. I take a deep breath then walk back out, I know that they could kill me but they won't do it in front of all these people. So I walk back to my table and pay for my coffee and leave Christine a tip for her service.

As I walk out of the restaurant I hear footsteps following behind me. I keep my breathing relaxed because any shift in my composer would seem as a threat to them. I reach my car but as I open the driver door its shut with force.

"May I help you?" I ask in a nonchalant tone as I look to see who approached me, its a man. He's tall, has tanned skin, brunette hair and green eyes. He radiates power but not enough to be an alpha.

I look at my widow to see who is behind me and I see that his pack mates are here too. All male might I add. I am so going to beat the shit out of my brother if I survive this. I turn to face the Beta as he laughs at my question. "Help me?" He shakes his head before he continues to talk.

"No,No, honey you are the one I should be asking that question. Now tell me what are you doing this close to pack boarders rouge?" His voice went dark very fast at that part. At this point I knew I was fucked.

"I am not here to cause trouble, I'm here to meet someone." I say showing no fear. My dad taught me to never show fear to pack wolves because that gives them power to attack you, physically or emotionally. "That's not good enough, rouge." He says in his dark tone.

"Too bad ,so sad I don't have time to waste with you and your friends." I said with a bit of attitude before yacking the door open. As I'm about to enter my car I get pulled back by my hair and knocked in the head before everything goes dark...

Hours later...

Silver and wolfsbane a deadly combination for a wolf really. Any wolf who has ever had the misfortune of ever being punished with one of the two knows that its not something one can recover from easy. Unfortunately for me that's what these asses are using on me now.

I'm restrained to a chair with silver chains that are digging into my skin and well the is a bucket filled with cold water on at the corner of the room mixed with wolfsbane. Since I was stripped off of my clothes and all that remained was my bra and underwear, that means nor damage and pain from the torture session. Every now and then they would pour the water on me which hurts like hell. This has been going on for a while now, all because I'm supposedly lying about what I was doing at the restaurant.

I hear footsteps coming in the cell I'm in and it's my torturer, who by the way told me his name, Greyson. "Are you ready to tell me the truth now?" He asks as he crouches to my level. I lick my lips because they are dry and cracked due to the wolfsbane before responding. "Are you ready to listen?"

My voice sounds rough and edgy. I see that he gets more irritated with my response, its not the first time I've said this to him. "You know we've been doing this for a hours now, I'm sure you want to be released from these chains and get medical attention for those burns." He said hoping to sway this conversion to what he wants to hear.

I chuckled at his stupid attempt. "Sure I do but I'm not the one who is being stubborn." I kept my responses short because my energy was dropping fast and I can't have that. Greyson headed on over to the bucket, ow great. I shut my eyes and held my breath. I felt a burning sensation, like when you get sunburn and accidentally pour hot water in the area making it worse, but this was more excruciating.

After that everything faded so slowly, I focused my mind on the floor that I didn't notice that someone else had joined Greyson. The was a bit of noise going on around me but I couldn't bring myself to focusing on it my head still hurt from the incident from early. I felt the chains being removed and a faint voice saying my name. It sounded familiar but I just couldn't place it. As I was being lifted up my eyes shut slowly as I lost consciousness ...


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