Chapter 2 ~ Becoming part of a family again

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Jessa's P.O.V

I wake up in a new state, in my new home, with Azaria in my arms like every morning since Alli gave her to me. I look at Azaria, and I start to tear up, when I start to hear Mother's words, "Be strong my child. Don't cry for me." She told Alli this when Father left us when I was 6. Though Mother didn't direct these words to me, I took them to heart. When she said these words, Alli was scared that we wouldn't be able to stay together as a family. I was so scared, and sad. Father's hurtful words stung me like a million angry bees. He wasn't nice to us for 2 years, until he left. He scared me. All of a sudden, pulling me back to Indiana, Alli slowly opened my door, looking to see if I was awake. "I heard the tears of a Jessa-bug. What's wrong kiddo?" She says as she walks very goofily to the bed, being the loudest ninja I've ever heard. I start to laugh and she sits next to me, placing her arm around my shoulder to let me know it was ok to spill my emotions, the bucket that holds the darkest waters now, and let the water run like rain from my eyes, becoming clear as they slide down my cheeks onto Alli's shoulder. " I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'd never let you go." Alli sings to me, crying with me, her voice breaking with the words. I pull out of the hug and dry her tears the same way John did for... *the memory floods her mind, then fades as suddenly as it came. Jessa saw the moment she locked eye-contact with her hero, John Green. His gentle words soothe her in her memory.* *Flashback ends* "Alli, it's gonna be ok." She puts her hands on my shoulders and helps guide me to sit up straight, letting me know she was going to tell me something important, something I will carry with my for the rest of my life. "I know kiddo. You carry too much pain for being only 8 years old. Don't forget Mom and Daniel did what they did for you, Caden and I, okay?" Alli says, reasureing me and comforting me. I look up, making eye contact with the one person who would always come to my rescue thoughout my entire life. "Okay."

John's P.O.V

I walk into the room Sarah took Jessa to yesterday, hearing Alli and Jessa comforting each other in their pain. Poor girls. They've been to hell and back, now we have to care for them. Their mother, Rosalind and Daniel told me what was going to happen outside the Nerdfighter gathering, letting Hank and I into the loop that envolves these three sweet children. They've seen and felt so much, then this? It seems almost unfair, but I'm so glad they're safe. It scared me when Rosalind told Hank and I that the kids would be in danger, and that those three sweet children counted on us. I'm sure God watched over them, and I'm grateful. I open the door a crack to find Jessa's tears being dried by Alli, just like I dried them less than 24 hours ago. "Girls, are y'all ready for breakfast?" "Totally!" they say in unison, causing all three of us to giggle, then a little hand tugs at the edge of my shirt "Daddy, come with me!" Henry says, Alice standing behind him with her pacifier. I love my kids, all five of them. It's so weird, but Sarah, Katherine, Hank and I have known what was going on for a while, explaining why the police let them go with Hank and I back to Indianapolis. As I go to follow Henry and Alice, Alli calls "John, where is Caden?" in a very concerned tone, sounding like a mother worrying about her child. "Don't worry, Katherine has him downstairs." "Thank you so much!" she cried as Jessa slithers past me and helps Alice down the stairs. These kids are just so adorable, why did this have to happen to them? These kids are resilient. "Hey John." Alli says, making me notice I've been standing at the top of the stairs for a while, pretty much looking like an idiot. "I know about what my birth mother told you. She and Daniel knew they were going to be killed. I wasn't so sure that was going to happen until 2 days ago, with the passports and the good carseat being used instead of the ratty looking one with the remark of just in case along with it. It scared me at first, then I realized that she trusted me to care for them after her and Daniel died, just in case the state got in the way. I guess they let y'all adopt us, cause they had no issues what so ever. Strange." Oh Alli, what are we gonna do with you. I think this as she desends the stairs like a ballerina. I follow and we all join together at the table for the kids' favorite. "PANCAKES!" Hank and the kids exclaim and Caden is comforted by his Aunt Katherine. It's still surreal to think that now Sarah and I have been intrusted, along with Katherine and Hank, to care for these 3 kids along with Henry and Alice. As they all chat and giggle, Sarah and I exchange glaces, saying "They're getting along great. This is really going to get along." without words. "And then the dinosuaurs came and smashed the trees RAAAWWRR!!!!" I hear Alli exclaim in a story-telling fashion while all the kids listen intently as Sarah and I return to reality. This is way better than anyone could have thought.

*An hour later*

Sarah's P.O.V

As Caden cuddles upon my shoulder, John and I talk with Hank and Katherine while the kids play upstairs. "Well, I was made aware this morning that one of the kids knew about their mother's plan." John states in a tone that was normally would cause a reaction like the one given by Hank, Katherine and I. "John, did Jessa say anything." I ask, not trying to hide the geniune fear for the children I had. Not ever 12 hours have I known Alli, Jessa and Caden and already I treat them like my own. Rosalind chose the right people for this monumental task. "Alli told me, which scared me. But, she told me that Rosalind let her know what was going on 2 days ago." John states, and we all finally breath after a tense moment that seemed to last forever. "Alli just pieced this together, like, just last night??" I ask, not doubting these three childrens' intelegence, but I seriously never would have thought that she would spend a lot of time thinking, and so deeply. She's a special child, and I'm grateful to God for the chance to know her. As this runs though my mind, I hear the kids settle down upstairs and the sounds of a solo pair of feet quietly coming downstairs. As the sound grows closer, I hear a girl's voice singing softly a song in a foriegn language. I know right then that the youngster we had just discussed had helped the kids settle down to nap and had come to join the adults.

Alli's P.O.V

"Jessa, Henry and Alice just tired out playing, so Jessa and I helped them settle down for their naps, Alice first as she was the most tired one of the bunch, then Henry settled down in his bed after a story read with silly voices by Jessa and I, finally I helped Jessa and Azaria drift off into a peacful land of happiness and dinosaurs." I announce after my desent from upstairs that contained me softly singing one of my favorite K-Pop songs, All My Love Is For You by Girls' Generation. It's strange to think that someone, my heros and adoptive family at that, might know about my favorite music besides We The Kings, anything written by my uncle Hank (it's still very strange, calling my hero my uncle now) and also his band, is K-Pop. I love singing in general, so singing in other languages is one of my favorite past-times. They smile at me, followed by a question asked with a tone that comforted me. "Alli, could you come over here?" John asks, and I nod. I walk with my head hanging down like it usually does when I walk, then I make it to where one of my heros, now my father, was sitting on the floor next to a chair where Sarah comforted a sleeping Caden. John looks me dead in the eye, and he asks, "Alli, they know about what you told me this morning. But, we were wondering, how did you piece all of those subtle hints together?" "I just think deeply. I always have. It really took off when I would hide with a terrified Jessa as our birth parents fought before Caden was in the picture. I think a lot, especially when I listen to my favorite music." I reply, remembering the concerned teachers, school officials, North Houston police and the police from downtown Houston from yesterday. As I think of this, I begin to cry for the first time after Daniel and Rosalind died (Alli will call her birth mother Rosalind. Jessa calls her birth mama. The kids will now call Sarah Mom.) . John stands up and envelopes me in a hug that could end all the Suck in the World forever. I hug him back and for a while it stays like this, my dad holding me close and catching all of my tears without a single complaint. "You are my daughter and I'm never leaving you Alli. If you need me, I'll be there for you, okay?" "Okay." The curing hug ends and I ask if I could return to my room. John says "Okay", and I go to my room after a nod of understanding. I quickly grab Isabel and curl up with her under the soft blanket on my bed, and fall into a soft sleep, hearing anything and everything. A cry makes my body jump up and I go into high alert. I listen for a second, realizing it's Alice. I jump out of bed, placing Isabel back on my pillow softly, and I bolt down to hallway to see what's wrong with Alice. I open the door, and...


What happened to Alice? Don't worry, she isn't dead, but what did happen?? Y'all are the awesomest, y'all Rays of Sunshine!! I'm so over the moon when anyone reads my stories, even my rant/update book. When I see even just 1 read, I'm super happy! Please don't quit being you and have an awesome day!!!!!! Love, Bitsy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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