Nine Point Eight

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In this Chapter alot will be uncovered as well as sudden heart break. when they are faced with the harsh truth. 

Also Warning that this song talks about her lover dying and then commits suicide to join him soooo this song is a minor Trigger to what will happen in this chapter so yeaaaa


Bennett Pov

All of my friends and I where pulled into a room for Zhongli, Void and Barbatos to speak to us. Even Scaramouche and his group was in here. what ever was going on must be very serious.

"Hey what's going on Babe why are we all in here did something happen?" Childe says with a curious tone. We nod in a agreement to Childes words. we wanted to know what's going on. just then Zhongli clears his throat.

"Fellow friends the three of us have gathered you all here to let you all remember your true origins and remember your past life." we all stood there in shock. "Some of you might be recalling memories that never happened or horrible nightmares to things that you never experienced am I correct?" some of us gasp in shock. Meaning that it has even Razor and I gasp in shock. 

"What I'm about to say and do will make you all break down. but those dreams and memories are all true and real you all where warriors and fighters of the past you all gave your lives to save our world and fought in a war we did win but you all unfortunately did not. Barbatos Void and I where the only ones and so we collected all your souls and sent them into time to be reborn into the future with your memories wiped but now we need you all to resurface because our world is going unbalanced again and we need help."

"No...I refuse to remember." I look up and see Razor standing up and speak out. "As you have said yes I to have been having horrible nightmares and I stood there blood on my hands bodies of friends and loved ones dead around me I don't want to see that. the same time I want to remember because I want to remember the big blue wolfs name. seeing him hurts my heart and I don't no why." I held Razor's hand was about to speak until Barbatos did.

"Andrius but he also is called Lupus Boreas...That's his name. He was one one of the Four Winds of Mondstadt, He was told to guard and Protect the Nation under my command Lord Barbatos. He...Was also your Adopted father. You were abandon as a baby but where raised by the wolves thats why your so strong with wolves and can understand them so well. Razor I hear by thy command release the chains wrapped around his memories by order of I Lord Barbatos!"

With that Razor falls to his knees and holds his head in pain and cries out. "Razor hey calm down i'm here...." He then looks up to me and eyes widen and pushes me away. "B-Bennett...s-stay away from me....d-don't want to hurt....again." All of us watch as Razor then passes out. I hold him close and tear up. 

"Bennett your turn. I Apologize in advance." then as he touched my head all my memories of my past life came back.


Past Bennett Pov

"Guys hurry there coming this way! We got to get the townsfolk to safety! Where's Barbara?! the people over here need some help. Don't worry you'll be fine." dam it everyone was badly injured and exhausted what should we do dam it. "Bennett! we have to go. hurry up!" I get pulled away by Razor who then brought me to a small hide out. "Razor we have to get back out there and help." Razor then nods. "Yes but Bennett we could die and Razor doesn't want Bennett to die. Razor loves you. you are my Lupical Bennett. we run away together." I was speechless and smile 

"after this we can be together I promise you Razor. Now let's get back out there an-" Before I can finish what i was saying I felt a sharp pain in my chest. as I start coughing out blood. I collapse on the ground. Razor goes white in the face as he see's the Arrow pierce my heart. "No no no no Bennett don't die. please I get Barbara. just please....sobs please don't." I hold his hand and weakly smile. "Razor...Keep Benny's Adventure team alive and also stay alive for me as well... I sorry that...I can't keep our promise...To be together...I love you Razor see you...again someday..." 


Past Razor Pov

I held Bennett's body close and kiss him and pick him up (Bridal style) and carry him out onto the battle field my friends look over and dread fill them I laid Bennett down in a field of Dandelion and Wolfhooks. I look to my friends and smile sadly I then pulled out my Claymore and look at the enemies and violently growl and use my vision and charge at them angerly in raged. I hack and slash and electrocute them all when i snap out of it I was surrounded by foes and my friends. I fall to my knees the war was over but everyone was dead.

I get up and walk to where Bennett laid resting. I then fell to my knees beside him. and gave him one last kiss I held his sword and aimed it to my chest and stabbed myself in the heart. I collapsed beside him and held Bennett's hand. "Take me to where he is so our souls can live in peace. Barbatos let me be with our next life....please...." 

I don't want to live in a world with out his smile. a place without him means nothing to me. but will he hate me for breaking his promise. will he hate me for killing myself. I don't want to remember this pain I want to start a new life with you.


present day


Bennett Pov

I suddenly awoke to Aether Venti and everyone surrounding me. I sat up and held my head. I then remembered everything my past and that I passed out. I stood up and looked around. 

"Where's Razor! I need to speak to him." Aether and everyone knew why since they all remember what happened in the past. then Barbatos broke the silence. 

"Razor left to go home he wasn't feeling well and didn't want to stick around and told us to tell you sorry." I was a bit upset I wanted to see him but instead he left me feeling emotional. I nod and walk past them and walked out and headed home. 

I tried calling him but he doesn't answer. I walk into the house and look around and he was no where to be seen. he wasn't here I was alone. 

"I forgot how lonely it was here when razor isn't here. its kinda sad to be honest. Razor I hope your not ignoring me...." Suddenly I get a text and I looked at the Message. "Razor! I smile and open the message and read it.

"Bennett Meet me at the Park I need to speak to you." I smile and get changed and head out to the park and sat down at a bench and waited. I then see him walk over hands in his pocket. 

He then sits beside me we stayed quiet for a while. Then he spoke. "So Bennett you remember what happened right? and you no what I did to myself after." I looked to him and nod. "A-Are you mad. that I did so." I look down. and finally spoke. "No I can never be mad at you, you no that Razor. I-I am just so happy that we're here now together again. sobs I-I didn't no if we where gonna get a second chance together." I then begin to break down. Razor holds me close and rubs my back, I pulled back and he leans in and kisses me. 

"We're here together as we promised. Bennett You also promised me something which we weren't able to fulfil." I look at him curiously on what he meant. he then backs up and gets down on one knee. I then cover my mouth and tears falling down my cheeks. "Bennett I want to do this now I no it's sudden but I want to spend my life with you this time. I love you always So Bennett would you...Marry me?"

I smile and jump into his arms and kiss him deeply. "A thousand times yes" Without warning all our friends jump out from behind the bushes and trees and started clapping and cheering. I hide my face into Razor's chest to hide my embarrassment but then get pulled away by Aether and Barbatos high fiving me and elbowing my arm. telling me I'm lucky. It's funny in my past life I was very unlucky but this time luck is calling my name. let's just hope I didn't jinx it. Eh heh.

"The Future is full of things waiting to happen but still bad things to come about. and it's not gonna be a happy ending for some of us. thats all I know of."



Welp here is this chapter over and done with hope you all enjoyed it tell me what you think of this chapter and please leave a comment ono

[Genshin Impact] "Your Rain"  RazorXBennettWhere stories live. Discover now