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Do I even have to say anything you no the usual nsfw and gore and violence as well as character Death in this chapter.


Bennett's Pov

I wake up and stare at Razor and smile as I see his red eyes staring back at me. he touches my face and leans in and kisses me today was the last day of school graduation was yesterday to be honest no one was gonna go but we all did decided to meet up at the park to discuss about tonight midnight was Judgement day. We where scared but we had to stick together and fight for our freedom and world. I promised Razor that id stay home and hide Venti was told to also stay back and hide as by order of Barbatos so we decided to that him and I stay together that way we weren't alone.

"What's wrong Babe?" Razor says looking at me. I let out a sigh. "Just thinking about tonight I'm scared for us for our friends...no for you what if you die that means not seeing you. and you wont see your unborn child as well." he kisses me softly. "Your over thinking it babe." I sigh and nod we both get out of bed and get some food and get dressed before we got ready I suddenly felt sick and run to the bathroom and got sick. Razor runs over and panics. "Benny you alright?!" I look up at him and nod. "Y-Yea it could be morning sickness. I heard from other pregnant people go threw it. I just got to make sure I drink alot of water." he nods and grabs a couple of water bottles and places them in a back pack and we walk out.

We head to the park and meet up with everyone. we wave to them and walk over. "Sorry that were late." Childe then sits there and laughs "you better not have been fucking." I hold my stomach and sit down. "Wooh Bennett you alright you don't look well. your 5 months in now right? guess you experienced Morning sickness." Aether says and rubs Bennett's back. "Yea thats why we where late sorry." Aether softly smiles. "Don't be Bennett i no how you feel I'm in my 8th week in Xiao doesn't want me to fight but we all no that i have to be there sense you no I'm me im the popular traveler." we both laugh and I agreed. 

"Aether do you think we'll win? I just want us all to live a happy life with our soon to be kids." Aether goes silent but smiles. "Everything will be alright really just believe in us and yourself cheer for us as well when where out on the battle field." I laugh "Yes yes i will." I was about to say something but then we hear arguing we all looked over and see Venti and Barbatos arguing. "Wooh guys calm down what's going on?" Aether says as he walks over. 

Barbatos looks at Aether and sighs. "I told Venti I don't want him helping during the fight I don't want to lose him again." Aether understands what's going on and nods. "Venti sorry to say but I agree as well you shouldn't fight." with that Venti tears up. "Fine! don't ever talk to me again Barbatos!!!" and with that he runs off. "W-Wait Venti!!!!" Barbatos then runs after him. 

"Well there they go. I guess everyone is on edge because today is the last day. I don't blame them." we looked down some of the girls were shaken and scared. I cant blame them I was scared as well. I start shaken but then felt a pair of hands hold onto mine. I look up and see Razor and smile he pulls me in for a hug. I felt warm and protected. 

"Aether for the last time I don't want you fighting and don't pull the same thing Venti and Barbatos did. I'm Doing this to Protect you I love you and I don't want our unborn child to be hurt as well." Xiao and Aether where arguing about Aether staying behind. it seems they all where like that. 

"No Xiao I wont let you go on your own I want to be with you till the end. always and forever." Aether goes to hold his hand but gets slapped. Xiao looks at Aether tears streaming down his face. "Aether I don't want to lose you like I did 400 hundred years ago. during the war I cant bare seeing that image again." Aether was in shock and holds Xiao and tears up. they hold each other close. everyone was silent and having a moment with there partner. I looked to razor and he leans down and kisses me. I held him close and smile sadly.

[Genshin Impact] "Your Rain"  RazorXBennettWhere stories live. Discover now