Chapter 4

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⚠️warning bullying,fire, violence⚠️

"Don't move if you don't want to get yourself in trouble"Seok Kyung said flashing her flashlight in Min Seol A's face

Aeri stood with her friends, surrounded with broken cars and mud of the junkyard.
"Are you really the same age as us?Do you really live in Bosok Village and did you really took the GED?"Eunbyeol said saying the information Seok kyung gave them.

"I'm really really sorry.Please forgive me"Min Seol a apologized as the girls turned off their flashlights "Your sorry?You totally fooled us,you really think your stupid 'sorry' will make us forgive you?"Aeri said finally speaking up and obviously angry at their 'teacher', stepping closer to Min Seol A with full hatred in her eyes she slapped her leaving the rest of the Hera kids shocked because they take her as the sweet girl of the group

"I will return your money just give me some time," Min Seol A said with bleeding lips "You ti were upset over some small amount of money"Eunbyeol scoffed

"Your a con artist!"Jenny said "i can't believe she got accepted at Cheong A Arts Highschool as the  top student"she added "You fucking brat"Minhyuk said to Min Seol A.

"Min Seol A listen to me You don't deserve to go to school with us and your admission as the top student will be cancelled"Seok Kyung said smirking with her hands full of Min Seol A's hair

Seok Kyung made Min Seol A look at her by tugging her hair back "You committed a crime to make money do think the school will accept a student like you? Don't get your hopes up!"

"Your right,i took the GED im not rich like you and i live in Bosok Village.I never got to go to school properly and i couldn't receive any singing lessons like you guys do i was always busy doing multiple part time jobs but what about that you guys lost to someone so poor.Be honest with me are you guys mad that i taught you or are you mad  that i beat you?" she said with more courage, raising her voice and glaring at everyone around her.A slap echoed through the place,Aeri's hand  coming down at her face.
Min Seol A fell back inside the van  behind her. "You didn't beat us"Seok Kyung said clenching her teeth.

"You guys have it all you live in a fancy house and you have rich parents who supported you.You can have everything you ask for so why are you so obsessed in bullying me?"Min Seol A said not backing down.She looked at everyone expressionless. "Actually i pity you guys,you are  sad and pitiful."
Seok Hoon  walked closer to her with a glare that could kill,Min Seol A took a step back looking scared  "you pity us?who do you think you are?who are you to pity us?"

Seok Hoon said with angry voice she took a step back until she's sitting in the van again.Eunbyeol pulled out two bottles of champagne and the group of teens all cheered.
"W-what are you doing?"Min seol a's voice filled with fear as she spoke.
"Your a college student your a UCLA student who took a leave  out of absence,your not a minor anymore so you can drink some champagne right?"Seok Kyung said smirking,she leaned over saying the lies the tutor said to become their tutor.

"please don't do this.please.let me go home."
Aeri didn't even feel an ounce of guilt as she shake the two bottle of the expensive champagne in her hands with a smile on her face and her best friends beside her "Dont be scared were just celebrating a party! A party to celebrate our teacher's admission as the top student!"Aeri said smiling,Minhyuk pulled out his phone to record their 'special moment' with their tutor.
Seok Hoon was the first to pop open the bottle of champagne and tossed the drink on Min Seol A's face.Cheerings and laughter filled the place followed by more popping of champagne bottles.The whole group was now pouring champagne all over Min Seol A as laughs left their lips.They surrounded the van covering up every open spots that they could so she wouldn't have any place to escape. They stopped when their battles were empty and Minhyuk pulled out something else.

"don't forget the cake and candles were here to celebrate your admission as the top student!" he put the cake beside her,and lit up the candles
He put a bottle of champagne in to her tied up hands "do as your told and we'll set you free."
Minhyuk passed the phone to Eun Byeol so she can keep recording before he step forward and close the van door.they made sure that she couldn't escape by breaking the door handle
Min Seol A banged against the car windows as she begged to let her out only to be laughed at.
"smile teacher smile!"Aeri sang, watching the girl cry through the camera.

Minhyuk was on the roof of the van banging it with a long metal stick and they all laugh as they watch while min seol a look everywhere only to find smiling faces and no place to escape.
Things took turn when Min Seol a accidentally knocked over the candles that were on the cake.Eunbyeol put the phone down and could only watch as the van caught on fire she rushed to open the door but she can't open it "you idiot you started a fire"Seok kyung shouted at min seol a.Everyone started to freak out
Seok Hoon pulled Aeri towards him and hugged her but everyone was too busy freaking out to notice it
"I broke the door before!"minhyuk told them stepping back.All of them was freaking out,"we cant just leave her here!"Jenny argued watching as the girl kept on banging the windows.

" She'll find her way out on her own!"seok kyung said stepping away from the van "let's get out of here!"Aeri shouted dragging Seok Hoon's hand the group convinced each other to leave, then they decided to leave min seol a there
They left min seol a screaming and crying to be let out.

The hera kids left min seol a in the van i felt soo bad for our seol a😭,seok hoon hugged aeri and Aeri held seokhoons hand what do you think will happen next? Thank you i appreciate it very much 🖤❤️

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