《Chapter 7》

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Warning:a little of cursing here and there if
You don't like it then skip it


No one's pov

You were looking around for somebody to spar since
Everyone had to train for self-defense too,you once again
Looked around for someone to spar with yet everyone
Is already with someone to spar with.you sighed and
Looked down in disapointment

"Um...excuse me?"

You heard a voice called for you,you turn your head to
See a tall man with black hair,he looked at you with nervous
Eyes and to be honest..it was kind of cute..

"Yes?" "I see that you..don't have a sparring partner yet..
So..may i be your partner?please?"

He asked you and you nodded,he was about to hand
You the knife but as soon you made contact with his hand
You felt a lightning spark burning between your palms,
Quickly,you swiftly shook your hand away from him and
He looked incredibly confused "Um..are you okay?"

You blinked and slowly nodded "Yes.." you answered with
A quiet voice and he nodded

He handed the knife to you and you looked at him "also
My name is berthold" he smiled at you and you gave him a
Tiny smile,"Y/n,nice to meet you" he nodded and steps away
he then stands in a fighting stance and you too.he charges at
You and you swiftly dodge and you block the punch he was
About to gave you,you then kicked him in the stomach but
Luckily he dodges right on time

You then charged at him in full speed catching him off guard
And you swiftly tackle him onto the ground,you then lock him
In the neck with your free arm and you other with the wooden
Knife pointed at his neck,and he was suprised.."Wow..!for
A tiny girl...you're...pretty strong!" He complimented you and
You gave him a smile "Flattery won't get you anything bert!~"
"I know..ouch!your..kinda choking me.."

You widened your eyes and let him go while bowing your head
"Oh my goodness!i am so sorry!" You apologized

"N-no!it's okay,plus it's just training!" You looked at him and
With curious eyes "Really?" You said,but to him it was flat out
Adorable!he blushed and scratches his head in embarassment
While giving you a closed eye smile,after that it's dinner time

You sat at the table with armin,eren and mikasa as usual,you sit
Between mikasa and eren,you take a bite on your bread until
Suddenly a petite girl with pigtails came to your table,"Hey,your
The one who fought berthold right!?" She asked you happily
You smiled and said 'yes'

"Uwah!you were amazing!can you teach me to fight like that,
Please???" She begged you and you sweatdropped "uhh..sure"
Then a small crowd had came to you asking you to also
Teach them how to fight,armin was suprised on how much
Attention you got,eren was also slightly suprised by this,he
Should probably watch you fight tommorow,while mikasa
Doesn't really care as long you aren't uncomfortable

*Next day*

You were looking for someone to spar again,maybe berthold
Since you are still not comfortable with new people,and yes
You can get a little shy sometimes..i mean who wouldn't?
When your around of alot people that you don't know and
You had to fight some of them,and you DON'T know that
They may be friendly or not


You turn your head and saw it was the boy last time who
Called your hair pretty along with mikasa,you smiled at him
And that smile make the brunette boy's heart flutter in
Joy and he blushed a dark red but didn't let it show

"Uumm..i see that you don't have a sparring partner,so
Uh..wanna spar?" He asked

You,being a good-natured person you are,accepted
He told you he'll play the bad guy first and he also told
You his name is jean,you nodded and stepped away
And stand in a fighting stance,he charges at you swiftly
Swinging the knife at you,you duck your head and tackled
Him onto the ground,you were about to lock him unil
He gaved you a harsh and rather hard shove

You landed in your butt and saw he was about to attack
You again but you dodged the attack and kicked him on
The left side of his waist,he coughed a bit and you took this
As an opportunity to attack him,you then kicked him in
The chin and grabbed his hair,not too harsh but rather
Rough on your grip

You flipped him over to his back and you lift his head up,
Still gripping on the head,you slam his head onto the hard
Ground,you didn't notice but a crowd had gather on your spar
With jean,he coughed and you took the knife from him and
Lets go

"Sorry i got too far jean,here.." you stretched your hand to
Help jean get up,he gladly accepted it and looked at you

"Woah!damn!that really hurt like a bitch!where
Did you learn to fignt like this?" He asked me and i
Sweat "uhh..i just came up with these..why?"

I giggled and i thought to myself..

'Maybe...the people here aren't too bad..'

*Timeskip-brought to you by angry german kid*

It was dinner time and again..a crowd had came to out
Table,they complimented me for my fighting skills and strength
And i blushed,i never thought i could gain alot of attention
Again..eren then sits closer to me "Hey y/n..nice fight you just
Had" he said to me and i widened my eyes "Wait..you saw me
Fight!?" "Yea!and it was awsome!right guys?!"

Armin and mikasa nodded,i looked at her and saw how her
Hair really gone short..i sighed sadly and mikasa noticed and
Asked me what's wrong,i looked at her with slightly sad eyes
"Well..it's just that your hair is short now..i won't able to play
With it anymore" i told her,she looked at me and patted my

"Hey..it's alright,besides..it can still be tied up right?" She
Said and i nodded,suddenly a girl with reddish dark brown
Hair along with a bald guy came towards me and slams
There hands in the table making me and eren slightly jumped
In suprise "You!you were the one who fighted jean right!?"

"Oh.my.god....he actually got beaten up by a girl!haha!!"

"Damn,jean!!here i thought you were a prideful guy!hahaha!"

"You make horseface fall into the ground!"

"Hey shut up!!"

And the night goes on....

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