《Sweet melody》(Armin arlert)

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The sound of the sweet melody was heard
From the outside,playing by a girl who had a kind heart.

Armin looked outside and saw his beloved,y/n,playing
The harp as she hum a melodic song oh does he just loves
When she plays it.he then walked towards her and hugged
Her from the back and she was slightly suprised but when
She saw it was just armin she smiled and played with
His hair,she giggled and told him to sit down beside her

Armin take no time to sat down beside his sweet and she
Caught him off guard with a tender yet quick kiss to the cheek
She smiled widely and he smiled feeling butterflies on his
Stomach,she then placed her head on his shoulder as he placed
His head on top of hers..they stare at the sun setting..it was
So beautiful..

"Don't you think the sun is beautiful armin.?"

"It is..but it's not as gorgeous as you are"

"Oh stop it!" She said while armin chuckled..and then
Suddenly his mood changed when he saw his sweetheart
Did not smile..what?why did his darling frown?what caused
This to let his sweet melody to be upset?if it's someone...
Then i guess it's time to..bloody your hands a bit..

He then felt a tug to his sleeve and saw her adorable e/c eyes
Watering and rhis cause him to panick,he asked her what's
Wrong and she told him it was nothing that was just that
Someone made fun of her today and it slightly made her

Armin was beyond angered when he saw his love upset...
I guess he had to do something about this,huh?

But he needs to comfort his melody first,he placed her head on
His chest and kissed her on her temples,she blushed and
Looked at him and he smiled,she blushed even harder and
Wrapped her arms around him and he returned the embrace..

They kissed as the sun sets..they pull away and smiled
Each other and enjoyed the view until they go home..

*The next day*

You were looking for armin and saw armin running towards
You waving at you and you smiled.you two hugged and you
Give a kiss to his cheek and he giggled,he hold your hand
And gaves it a little squeeze,you two walk ahead but you didn't
Notice the people who had made fun of you had been gutted
And killed in a very brutal way,there blood was dripping
On the floor,there clothes all red by there own blood and
The last thing they saw was.......nothing..but red.

No one makes fun of his beloved's sweet melody.no one.

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